Title: | Artificial Intelligence Systems and Observer Performance |
Description: | Analyzing the performance of artificial intelligence (AI) systems/algorithms characterized by a 'search-and-report' strategy. Historically observer performance has dealt with measuring radiologists' performances in search tasks, e.g., searching for lesions in medical images and reporting them, but the implicit location information has been ignored. The implemented methods apply to analyzing the absolute and relative performances of AI systems, comparing AI performance to a group of human readers or optimizing the reporting threshold of an AI system. In addition to performing historical receiver operating receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis (localization information ignored), the software also performs free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) analysis, where lesion localization information is used. A book using the software has been published: Chakraborty DP: Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, Taylor-Francis LLC; 2017: <https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840>. Online updates to this book, which use the software, are at <https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocQuickStart/>, <https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocRocBook/> and at <https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocFrocBook/>. Supported data collection paradigms are the ROC, FROC and the location ROC (LROC). ROC data consists of single ratings per images, where a rating is the perceived confidence level that the image is that of a diseased patient. An ROC curve is a plot of true positive fraction vs. false positive fraction. FROC data consists of a variable number (zero or more) of mark-rating pairs per image, where a mark is the location of a reported suspicious region and the rating is the confidence level that it is a real lesion. LROC data consists of a rating and a location of the most suspicious region, for every image. Four models of observer performance, and curve-fitting software, are implemented: the binormal model (BM), the contaminated binormal model (CBM), the correlated contaminated binormal model (CORCBM), and the radiological search model (RSM). Unlike the binormal model, CBM, CORCBM and RSM predict 'proper' ROC curves that do not inappropriately cross the chance diagonal. Additionally, RSM parameters are related to search performance (not measured in conventional ROC analysis) and classification performance. Search performance refers to finding lesions, i.e., true positives, while simultaneously not finding false positive locations. Classification performance measures the ability to distinguish between true and false positive locations. Knowing these separate performances allows principled optimization of reader or AI system performance. This package supersedes Windows JAFROC (jackknife alternative FROC) software V4.2.1, <https://github.com/dpc10ster/WindowsJafroc>. Package functions are organized as follows. Data file related function names are preceded by 'Df', curve fitting functions by 'Fit', included data sets by 'dataset', plotting functions by 'Plot', significance testing functions by 'St', sample size related functions by 'Ss', data simulation functions by 'Simulate' and utility functions by 'Util'. Implemented are figures of merit (FOMs) for quantifying performance and functions for visualizing empirical or fitted operating characteristics: e.g., ROC, FROC, alternative FROC (AFROC) and weighted AFROC (wAFROC) curves. For fully crossed study designs significance testing of reader-averaged FOM differences between modalities is implemented via either Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz or the Obuchowski-Rockette methods. Also implemented is single modality analysis, which allows comparison of performance of a group of radiologists to a specified value, or comparison of AI to a group of radiologists interpreting the same cases. Crossed-modality analysis is implemented wherein there are two crossed modality factors and the aim is to determined performance in each modality factor averaged over all levels of the second factor. Sample size estimation tools are provided for ROC and FROC studies; these use estimates of the relevant variances from a pilot study to predict required numbers of readers and cases in a pivotal study to achieve the desired power. Utility and data file manipulation functions allow data to be read in any of the currently used input formats, including Excel, and the results of the analysis can be viewed in text or Excel output files. The methods are illustrated with several included datasets from the author's collaborations. This update includes improvements to the code, some as a result of user-reported bugs and new feature requests, and others discovered during ongoing testing and code simplification. |
Authors: | Dev Chakraborty [cre, aut, cph], Peter Phillips [ctb], Xuetong Zhai [aut], Lucy D'Agostino McGowan [ctb], Alejandro RodriguezRuiz [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Dev Chakraborty <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.1.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-26 05:47:17 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/dpc10ster/rjafroc |
analyzes the performance of artificial intelligence (AI) systems/algorithms characterized
by a search-and-report strategy. Historically observer performance has dealt with measuring radiologists'
performances in search tasks, e.g., searching for lesions in medical images and reporting them, but the implicit
location information has been ignored. The methods here apply to any task involving searching for
and reporting arbitrary targets in images. The implemented methods apply
to analyzing the absolute and relative performances of AI systems, comparing AI performance to a group of human
readers or optimizing the reporting threshold of an AI system. In addition to performing historical receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) analysis (localization information ignored), the software also performs free-response receiver operating
characteristic (FROC) analysis, where the implicit lesion localization information is used. A book describing the
underlying methodology and which uses the software has been
published: Chakraborty DP: Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications
with R-Based Examples, Taylor-Francis LLC; 2017: https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840.
Online updates to this book, which use the software, are at
https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocQuickStart/, https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocRocBook/ and at
https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocFrocBook/. Supported data collection paradigms are the ROC, FROC and the location ROC (LROC).
ROC data consists of single ratings per images, where a rating is the perceived confidence level that the image is that of a
diseased patient. An ROC curve is a plot of true positive fraction vs. false
positive fraction. FROC data consists of a variable number (zero or more) of mark-rating pairs per image, where a mark is the
location of a reported suspicious region and the rating is the confidence level that it is a real lesion. LROC data
consists of a rating and a location of the most suspicious region, for every image. Four models of observer performance,
and curve-fitting software, are implemented: the binormal model (BM), the contaminated binormal model (CBM), the
correlated contaminated binormal model (CORCBM), and the radiological search model (RSM). Unlike the binormal model, CBM,
CORCBM and RSM predict "proper" ROC curves that do not inappropriately cross the chance diagonal. Additionally, RSM
parameters are related to search performance (not measured in conventional ROC analysis) and classification performance.
Search performance refers to finding lesions, i.e., true positives, while simultaneously not finding false positive
locations. Classification performance measures the ability to distinguish between true and false positive locations. Knowing
these separate performances allows principled optimization of reader or AI system performance. This package supersedes Windows
JAFROC (jackknife alternative FROC) software V4.2.1, https://github.com/dpc10ster/WindowsJafroc. Package functions
are organized as follows. Data file related function names are preceded by Df, curve fitting functions by Fit, included
data sets by dataset, plotting functions by Plot, significance testing functions by St, sample size related functions
by Ss, data simulation functions by Simulate and utility functions by Util. Implemented are figures of merit (FOMs)
for quantifying performance, functions for visualizing empirical operating characteristics: e.g., ROC, FROC, alternative FROC
(AFROC) and weighted AFROC (wAFROC) curves. For fully crossed study designs significance testing of reader-averaged FOM
differences between modalities is implemented via both Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz and the Obuchowski-Rockette methods. Also
implemented are single modality analyses, allowing comparison of performance of a group of radiologists to a specified
value, or comparison of AI to a group of radiologists/algorithms interpreting the same cases. Crossed-modality analysis is implemented
wherein there are two crossed modality factors and the aim is to determined performance in each modality factor averaged
over all levels of the second factor. Sample size estimation tools are provided for ROC and FROC studies; these use estimates
of the relevant variances from a pilot study to predict required numbers of readers and cases in a pivotal study to achieve the
desired power. Utility and data file manipulation functions allow data to be read in any of the currently used input
formats, including Excel, and the results of the analysis can be viewed in text or Excel output files. The methods are
illustrated with several included datasets from the author's collaborations. This update includes improvements to the code,
some as a result of user-reported bugs and new feature requests, and others discovered during ongoing testing and code simplification.
All changes are noted in NEWS.md.
Package: | RJafroc |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.1.3 |
Date: | 2023-07-31 |
License: | GPL-3 |
URL: | https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafroc/ |
a: The separation or "a" parameter of the binormal model
AFROC curve: plot of LLF (ordinate) vs. FPF, where FPF is inferred using highest rating of NL marks on non-diseased cases
AFROC: alternative FROC, see Chakraborty 1989
AFROC1 curve: plot of LLF (ordinate) vs. FPF1, where FPF1 is inferred using highest rating of NL marks on ALL cases
: The significance level
of the test of the null
hypothesis of no modality effect
AUC: area under curve; e.g., ROC-AUC = area under ROC curve, an example of a FOM
b: The width or "b" parameter of the conventional binormal model
Binormal model: two unequal variance normal distributions, one at zero
and one at , for modeling ROC ratings,
is the
std. dev. ratio of diseased to non-diseased distributions
CAD: computer aided detection algorithm
CBM: contaminated binormal model (CBM): two equal variance normal
distributions for modeling ROC ratings, the diseased distribution is
bimodal, with a peak at zero and one at , the integrated fraction
(not to be confused with
of NH testing)
CI: The (1-) confidence interval for the stated statistic
Crossed-modality: a dataset containing two modality (i.e., treatment) factors, with the levels of the two factors crossed, see paper by Thompson et al
DBM: Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz, a significance testing method for
detecting a modality effect in MRMC studies, with Hillis suggested modification to ddf
ddf: Denominator degrees of freedom of appropriate -test;
the corresponding ndf is
- 1
Empirical AUC: trapezoidal area under curve, same as the Wilcoxon statistic for ROC paradigm
FN: false negative, a diseased case classified as non-diseased
FOM: figure of merit, a quantitative measure of performance, performance metric
FP: false positive, a non-diseased case classified as diseased
FPF: number of FPs divided by number of non-diseased cases
FROC curve: plot of LLF (ordinate) vs. NLF
FROC: free-response ROC (a data collection paradigm where each image yields a random number, 0, 1, 2,..., of mark-rating pairs)
FRRC: Analysis that treats readers as fixed and cases as random factors
I: total number of modalities, indexed by
image/case: used interchangeably; a case can consist of several images of the same patient in the same modality
iMRMC: A text file format used for ROC data by FDA/CDRH researchers
individual: A single-modality single-reader dataset.
Intrinsic: Used in connection with RSM; a parameter that is independent of
the RSM parameter, but whose meaning may not be as transparent as
the corresponding physical parameter
J: number of readers, indexed by j
JAFROC file format: A .xlsx format file, applicable to ROC, ROI, FROC and LROC paradigms
JAFROC: jackknife AFROC: Windows software for analyzing observer performance data: no longer updated, replaced by current package; the name is a misnomer as the jackknife is used only for significance testing; alternatively, the bootstrap could be used; what distinguishes FROC from ROC analysis is the use of the AFROC-AUC as the FOM. With this change, the DBM or the OR method can be used for significance testing
: total number of cases, K
= K1
+ K2
, indexed by
: total number of non-diseased cases, indexed by
: total number of diseased cases, indexed by
LL: lesion localization i.e., a mark that correctly locates an existing localized lesion; TP is a special case, when the proximity criterion is lax (i.e., "acceptance radius" is large)
LLF: number of LLs divided by the total number of lesions
LROC: location receiver operating characteristic, a data collection paradigm where each image yields a single rating and one location
lrc/MRMC: A text file format used for ROC data by University of Iowa researchers
mark: the location of a suspected diseased region
maxLL: maximum number of lesions per case in dataset
maxNL: maximum number of NL marks per case in dataset
MRMC: multiple reader multiple case (each reader interprets each case in each modality, i.e. fully crossed study design)
ndf: Numerator degrees of freedom of appropriate -test, usually
number of treatments minus one
NH: The null hypothesis that all modality effects are zero; rejected
if the -value is smaller than
NL: non-lesion localization, of which FP is a special case, i.e., a mark that does not correctly locate any existing localized lesion(s)
NLF: number of NLs divided by the total number of cases
Operating characteristic: A plot of normalized correct decisions on diseased cases along ordinate vs. normalized incorrect decisions on non-diseased cases
Operating point: A point on an operating characteristic, e.g., (FPF, TPF) represents an operating point on an ROC
OR: Obuchowski-Rockette, a significance testing method for detecting a modality effect in MRMC studies, with Hillis suggested modifications
Physical parameter: Used in connection with RSM; a parameter whose
meaning is more transparent than the corresponding intrinsic parameter,
but which depends on the RSM parameter
Proximity criterion / acceptance radius: Used in connection with FROC (or LROC data); the "nearness" criterion is used to determine if a mark is close enough to a lesion to be counted as a LL (or correct localization); otherwise it is counted as a NL (or incorrect localization)
p-value: the probability, under the null hypothesis, that the observed modality effects, or larger, could occur by chance
Proper: a proper fit does not inappropriately fall below the chance diagonal, does not display a "hook" near the upper right corner
PROPROC: Metz's binormal model based fitting of proper ROC curves
RSM, Radiological Search Model: two unit variance normal distributions
for modeling NL and LL ratings; four parameters, ,
' and
Rating: Confidence level assigned to a case; higher values indicate greater
confidence in presence of disease; -Inf
is allowed but NA
not allowed
Reader/observer/radiologist/CAD: used interchangeably
RJafroc: the current software
ROC: receiver operating characteristic, a data collection paradigm where each image yields a single rating and location information is ignored
ROC curve: plot of TPF (ordinate) vs. FPF, as threshold is varied; an example of an operating characteristic
ROCFIT: Metz software for binormal model based fitting of ROC data
ROI: region-of-interest (each case is divided into a number of ROIs and the reader assigns an ROC rating to each ROI)
FRRC: Analysis that treats readers as fixed and cases as random factors
RRFC: Analysis that treats readers as random and cases as fixed factors
RRRC: Analysis that treats both readers and cases as random factors
RSCORE-II: original software for binormal model based fitting of ROC data
RSM: Radiological search model, also method for fitting a proper ROC curve to ROC data
RSM-1: Lowest reporting threshold, determines if suspicious
region is actually marked
RSM-: Intrinsic parameter of RSM corresponding to
', independent of
RSM-': Physical Poisson parameter of RSM, average number of
latent NLs per case; depends on
RSM-: separation of the unit variance distributions of RSM
RSM-: Intrinsic parameter of RSM, corresponding to
independent of
RSM-': binomial parameter of RSM, probability that lesion is found
SE: sensitivity, same as
Significance testing: determining the p-value of a statistical test
SP: specificity, same as
Threshold: Reporting criteria: if confidence exceeds a threshold value, report case as diseased, otherwise report non-diseased
TN: true negative, a non-diseased case classified as non-diseased
TP: true positive, a diseased case classified as diseased
TPF: number of TPs divided by number of diseased cases
Treatment/modality: used interchangeably, for example, computed tomography (CT) images vs. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images
wAFROC curve: plot of weighted LLF (ordinate) vs. FPF, where FPF is inferred using highest rating of NL marks on non-diseased cases ONLY
wAFROC1 curve: plot of weighted LLF (ordinate) vs. FPF1, where FPF1 is inferred using highest rating of NL marks on ALL cases
wAFROC1 FOM: weighted trapezoidal area under AFROC1 curve: only use if there are zero non-diseased cases is always number of treatments minus one
A standard dataset
object has 3 list
elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
, where:
: contains 3 elements as sub-lists: $NL
and $LL_IL
; these describe the structure of the ratings;
: contains 3 elements as sub-lists: $perCase
and $weights
; these describe the structure of the lesions;
: contains 7 elements as sub-lists: $fileName
, $name
, $truthTableStr
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
; these describe other characteristics of the dataset as
detailed next.
Note: -Inf
is used to indicate the ratings of unmarked lesions
and/or missing values. As an example of the latter, if the maximum
number of NLs in a dataset is 4, but some images have fewer than 4 NL marks,
the corresponding "empty" positions would be filled with
s. Do not use NA
to denote a missing rating.
Note: A standard dataset always represents R
object(s) with the
following structure(s):
, an ROC dataset, and
, an FROC dataset.ratings$NL
: a float array with dimensions
c(I, J, K, maxNL)
, containing the ratings of NL marks. The first
locations of the third index corresponds to NL marks on non-diseased
cases and the remaining locations correspond to NL marks on diseased
cases. The 4th dimension allows for multiple NL marks
on a case: the first index holds the first NL rating on the image,
the second holds the second NL rating on the image, etc. The value of
is determined by the case with the maximum number of lesions
per case in the dataset. For FROC datasets missing NL ratings are assigned the
rating. For ROC datasets, FP ratings are assigned
to the first K1
elements of NL[,,1:K1,1]
and the remaining
elements of NL[,,(K1+1):K,1]
are set to -Inf
: for non-LROC datasets a float array with dimensions
c(I, J, K2, maxLL)
containing the ratings of LL marks. The value of
is determined by the maximum number of lesions per case in the
dataset. Unmarked lesions are assigned the -Inf
For ROC datasets TP
ratings are assigned to LL[,,1:K2,1]
For LROC datasets it is a float array with dimensions
c(I, J, K2, 1)
containing the ratings of correct localizations,
otherwise the rating is recorded in the incorrect localization array
described next.
: for LROC datasets the ratings
of incorrect localization marks on abnormal cases. It is a float array
with dimensions c(I, J, K2, 1)
. For non-LROC datasets this array
is filled with NAs.
: an integer array with length K2
the number of lesions on each diseased case. The
maximum value of this array equals maxLL
. For example,
is 2, meaning the
4th diseased case has two lesions.
: an integer array with dimensions [K2
, maxLL
labeling (or naming) the lesions on the diseased cases. For example,
is c(1,2,-Inf)
, meaning the
4th diseased case has two lesions, labeled 1 and 2.
: a floating point array with dimensions
c(K2, maxLL)
, representing the relative importance of detecting
each lesion. The weights for an abnormal case must sum to unity.
For example, dataset05$lesions$weights[4,]
is c(0.5,0.5, -Inf)
corresponding to equal weights (0.5) assigned to of the two lesions in the
: a character
variable containing the file
name of the source data for this dataset. This is generated automatically
by the DfReadDataFile function used to read the file. For a simulalated
dataset it is set to "NA" (i.e., a character vector, not the variable NA
: a character
variable describing the data type:
", "LROC
", "ROI
" or "FROC
: a character
variable containing the name of
the dataset: e.g., "dataset02" or "dataset05". This is generated automatically
by the DfReadDataFile function used to read the file.
: a c(I, J, L, maxLL+1)
object. For
normal cases elements c(I, J, L, 1)
are filled with 1s if the corresponding
interpretations occurred or NAs otherwise. For abnormal cases elements
c(I, J, L, 2:(maxLL+1))
are filled with 1s if the corresponding
interpretations occurred or NAs otherwise. This object is necessary for analyzing
more complex designs.
: a character
variable: "FCTRL
corresponding to factorial design.
: a character
vector of length ,
which labels/names the modalities in the dataset. For non-JAFROC data file formats,
they must be unique integers.
: a character
vector of length ,
which labels/names the readers in the dataset. For non-JAFROC data file formats,
they must be unique integers.
Only changes from the previously described structure are described below:
: a float array with dimensions c(I, J, K, Q)
containing the ratings of each of Q quadrants for each non-diseased case.
: a float array with dimensions
c(I, J, K2, Q)
containing the ratings of quadrants for each
diseased case.
: this contains the locations, on abnormal cases,
containing at least one lesion.
Only changes from the previously described structure are described below:
: a float array with dimension c(I1, I2, J, K, maxNL)
containing the ratings of NL marks. Note the existence of two modality indices.
: a float array with dimension c(I1, I2, J, K2, maxLL)
containing the ratings of all LL marks. Note the existence of two modality indices.
: corresponding to first modality factor.
: corresponding to second modality factor.
: Convert a ratings array to a
dataset object.
: Return a binned dataset.
:Create paired dataset for
testing FitCorCbm.
: Extract a subset of modalities
and readers from a dataset.
: Convert an FROC dataset to a highest
rating inferred ROC dataset.
: Convert an LROC dataset to a highest
rating inferred ROC dataset.
: Simulates an
"AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from a supplied LROC dataset.
: Simulates an
"AUC-equivalent" LROC dataset from a supplied FROC dataset.
: Read a crossed-modalities
data file.
: Read a general data file.
: Save ROC data file in a different format.
: Extract two arms of a pairing
from an MRMC ROC dataset suitable for using FitCorCbm.
: Fit the binormal model to ROC data
(R equivalent of ROCFIT or RSCORE).
: Fit the contaminated binormal model (CBM)
to ROC data.
: Fit the radiological search model (RSM)
to ROC data.
: Fit the correlated contaminated binormal model
(CORCBM) to paired ROC data.
: Fit the radiological search model (RSM)
to ROC data.
: Plot binormal-predicted ROC curve with
provided BM parameters.
: Plot empirical
operating characteristics for specified dataset.
: Plot RSM-fitted ROC curves.
: Simulates an uncorrelated FROC dataset
using the RSM.
: Simulates an uncorrelated binormal
model ROC dataset.
: Simulates an uncorrelated binormal
model ROC dataset.
: Simulates an uncorrelated LROC dataset.
: Calculate statistical power given
numbers of readers J and cases K
: Generate a power table.
: Calculate number of cases K
, for
specified number of readers J, to achieve desired power for an ROC study.
: Performs significance testing,
DBM or OR, with factorial or crossed modalities.
: Perform
significance testing, CAD vs. radiologists.
: Binormal model AUC function.
: CBM AUC function.
: PROPROC AUC function.
: RSM ROC/AFROC AUC calculator.
: Calculate empirical figures of merit
(FOMs) for specified dataset.
: Convert from intrinsic to
physical RSM parameters.
: Calculates the lesion distribution dataframe.
: Calculates the lesion weights matrix.
: Calculates the mean squares used in the
DBM and OR methods.
: Convert RSM physical parameters to
intrinsic parameters.
: Return jackknife pseudovalues.
: Utility for Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz
variance components.
: Utility for Obuchowski-Rockette
variance components.
Author: Dev Chakraborty [email protected].
Author: Xuetong Zhai [email protected].
Contributor: Peter Phillips [email protected].
Basics of ROC
Metz, CE (1978). Basic principles of ROC analysis. In Seminars in nuclear medicine (Vol. 8, pp. 283–298). Elsevier.
Metz, CE (1986). ROC Methodology in Radiologic Imaging. Investigative Radiology, 21(9), 720.
Metz, CE (1989). Some practical issues of experimental design and data analysis in radiological ROC studies. Investigative Radiology, 24(3), 234.
Metz, CE (2008). ROC analysis in medical imaging: a tutorial review of the literature. Radiological Physics and Technology, 1(1), 2–12.
Wagner, R. F., Beiden, S. V, Campbell, G., Metz, CE, & Sacks, W. M. (2002). Assessment of medical imaging and computer-assist systems: lessons from recent experience. Academic Radiology, 9(11), 1264–77.
Wagner, R. F., Metz, CE, & Campbell, G. (2007). Assessment of medical imaging systems and computer aids: a tutorial review. Academic Radiology, 14(6), 723–48.
DBM/OR methods and extensions
DORFMAN, D. D., BERBAUM, KS, & Metz, CE (1992). Receiver operating characteristic rating analysis: generalization to the population of readers and patients with the jackknife method. Investigative Radiology, 27(9), 723.
Hillis, SL, Berbaum, KS, & Metz, CE (2008). Recent developments in the Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz procedure for multireader ROC study analysis. Academic Radiology, 15(5), 647–61.
Hillis, SL, Obuchowski, NA, & Berbaum, KS (2011). Power Estimation for Multireader ROC Methods: An Updated and Unified Approach. Acad Radiol, 18, 129–142.
Hillis, SL SL (2007). A comparison of denominator degrees of freedom methods for multiple observer ROC analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 26(3), 596–619.
FROC paradigm
Chakraborty DP. Maximum Likelihood analysis of free-response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) data. Med Phys. 1989;16(4):561–568.
Chakraborty, DP, & Berbaum, KS (2004). Observer studies involving detection and localization: modeling, analysis, and validation. Medical Physics, 31(8), 1–18.
Chakraborty, DP (2006). A search model and figure of merit for observer data acquired according to the free-response paradigm. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(14), 3449–62.
Chakraborty, DP (2006). ROC curves predicted by a model of visual search. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(14), 3463–82.
Chakraborty, DP (2011). New Developments in Observer Performance Methodology in Medical Imaging. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 41(6), 401–418.
Chakraborty, DP (2013). A Brief History of Free-Response Receiver Operating Characteristic Paradigm Data Analysis. Academic Radiology, 20(7), 915–919.
Chakraborty, DP, & Yoon, H.-J. (2008). Operating characteristics predicted by models for diagnostic tasks involving lesion localization. Medical Physics, 35(2), 435.
Thompson JD, Chakraborty DP, Szczepura K
, et al. (2016) Effect of reconstruction methods
and x-ray tube current-time product on nodule detection in an anthropomorphic
thorax phantom: a crossed-modality JAFROC observer study. Medical Physics.
Zhai X, Chakraborty DP. (2017) A bivariate contaminated binormal model for robust fitting of proper ROC curves to a pair of correlated, possibly degenerate, ROC datasets. Medical Physics. doi: 10.1002/mp.12263:2207–2222.
Hillis SL, Chakraborty DP, Orton CG. ROC or FROC? It depends on the research question. Medical Physics. 2017.
Chakraborty DP, Nishikawa RM, Orton CG. Due to potential concerns of bias and conflicts of interest, regulatory bodies should not do evaluation methodology research related to their regulatory missions. Medical Physics. 2017.
Dobbins III JT, McAdams HP, Sabol JM, Chakraborty DP, et al. (2016) Multi-Institutional Evaluation of Digital Tomosynthesis, Dual-Energy Radiography, and Conventional Chest Radiography for the Detection and Management of Pulmonary Nodules. Radiology. 282(1):236-250.
Warren LM, Mackenzie A, Cooke J, et al. Effect of image quality on calcification detection in digital mammography. Medical Physics. 2012;39(6):3202-3213.
Chakraborty DP, Zhai X. On the meaning of the weighted alternative free-response operating characteristic figure of merit. Medical physics. 2016;43(5):2548-2557.
Chakraborty DP. (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples. Taylor-Francis, LLC.
Compute the chisquare goodness of fit statistic for specified ROC data fitting model
ChisqrGoodnessOfFit(fpCounts, tpCounts, parameters, model, lesDistr)
ChisqrGoodnessOfFit(fpCounts, tpCounts, parameters, model, lesDistr)
fpCounts |
The FP counts table |
tpCounts |
The TP counts table |
parameters |
The parameters of the model including cutoffs, see details |
model |
The fitting model: "BINORMAL", "CBM" or "RSM |
lesDistr |
The lesion distribution matrix; not needed for "BINORMAL" or "CBM" models. Array [1:maxLL,1:2]. The probability mass function of the lesion distribution for diseased cases. The first column contains the actual numbers of lesions per case. The second column contains the fraction of diseased cases with the number of lesions specified in the first column. The second column must sum to unity. |
For model = "BINORMAL" the parameters are c(a,b,zetas). For model = "CBM" the parameters are c(mu,alpha,zetas). For model = "RSM" the parameters are c(mu,lambda,nu,zetas). Due to the sparsity of the data, in most cases the goodness of fit statistic cannot be calculated as the criterion of at least 5 counts in each cell (TP and FP) is usually not met. An exception dataset is shown below.
A list with the following elements:
chisq |
The chi-square statistic |
pVal |
The p-value of the fit |
df |
The degrees of freedom |
## Test with TONY data for which chisqr can be calculated ds <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) fit <- FitBinormalRoc(ds, 2, 3) # trt 2 and rdr 3 ## fitted a,b and zeta parameters from preceding line were used to call the ## function as shown below: fpCounts = c(119, 30, 9, 19, 7, 1) tpCounts = c(10, 11, 7, 16, 29, 16) gfit = ChisqrGoodnessOfFit(fpCounts, tpCounts, parameters = c(fit$a, fit$b, fit$zetas), model="BINORMAL")
## Test with TONY data for which chisqr can be calculated ds <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) fit <- FitBinormalRoc(ds, 2, 3) # trt 2 and rdr 3 ## fitted a,b and zeta parameters from preceding line were used to call the ## function as shown below: fpCounts = c(119, 30, 9, 19, 7, 1) tpCounts = c(10, 11, 7, 16, 29, 16) gfit = ChisqrGoodnessOfFit(fpCounts, tpCounts, parameters = c(fit$a, fit$b, fit$zetas), model="BINORMAL")
This is referred to in the book as the "TONY" dataset. It consists of 185 cases, 89 of which are diseased, interpreted in two treatments ("BT" = breast tomosynthesis and "DM" = digital mammography) by five radiologists using the FROC paradigm.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:185, 1:3], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:89, 1:2], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:89], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:89, 1:2], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:89, 1:2], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset01", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "TONY", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:185, 1:3] 1 1 1 1 ..., truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "BT" "DM", modality labels
, chr [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Chakraborty DP, Svahn T (2011) Estimating the parameters of a model of visual search from ROC data: an alternate method for fitting proper ROC curves. PROC SPIE 7966.
res <- str(dataset01) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset01, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset01) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset01, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "VD" dataset. It consists of 114 cases, 45 of which are diseased, interpreted in two treatments ("0" = single spin echo MRI, "1" = cine-MRI) by five radiologists using the ROC paradigm. Each diseased cases had an aortic dissection; the ROC paradigm generates one rating per case. Often referred to in the ROC literature as the Van Dyke dataset, which, along with the Franken dataset, has been widely used to illustrate advances in ROC methodology. The example below displays the ROC plot for the first modality and first reader.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:114, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:45, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:45], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:45, 1], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:45, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset02", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "VAN-DYKE", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:114, 1:2] 1 1 1 1 ..., truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "0" "1", modality labels
, chr [1:5] "0" "1" "2" ..., reader labels
Van Dyke CW, et al. Cine MRI in the diagnosis of thoracic aortic dissection. 79th RSNA Meetings. 1993.
res <- str(dataset02) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset02, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset02) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset02, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "FR" dataset. It consists of 100 cases, 67 of which are diseased, interpreted in two treatments, "0" = conventional film radiographs, "1" = digitized images viewed on monitors, by four radiologists using the ROC paradigm. Often referred to in the ROC literature as the Franken-dataset, which, along the the Van Dyke dataset, has been widely used to illustrate advances in ROC methodology.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:100, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:67, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:67], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:67, 1], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:67, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset03", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "FRANKEN", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:100, 1:2], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "TREAT1" "TREAT2", modality labels
, chr chr [1:4] "READER_1" "READER_2" "READER_3" "READER_4", reader labels
Franken EA, et al. Evaluation of a Digital Workstation for Interpreting Neonatal Examinations: A Receiver Operating Characteristic Study. Investigative Radiology. 1992;27(9):732-737.
res <- str(dataset03) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset03, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset03) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset03, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "FED" dataset. It consists of 200 mammograms, 100 of which contained one to 3 simulated microcalcifications, interpreted in five treatments (basically different image processing algorithms) by four radiologists using the FROC paradigm and a 5-point rating scale. The maximum number of NLs per case, over the entire dataset was 7 and the dataset contained at least one diseased mammogram with 3 lesions. The Excel file containing this dataset is /inst/extdata/datasets/FZ_ALL.xlsx. The normal cases are labeled 100:199 while the normal cases are labeled 0:99.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:5, 1:4, 1:200, 1:7], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:5, 1:4, 1:100, 1:3], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:100], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:100, 1:3], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:100, 1:3], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset04", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "FEDERICA", the name of the dataset
, num [1:5, 1:4, 1:200, 1:4], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5", modality labels
, chr [1:4] "1" "3" "4" "5", reader labels
Zanca F et al. Evaluation of clinical image processing algorithms used in digital mammography. Medical Physics. 2009;36(3):765-775.
res <- str(dataset04) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset04, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset04) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset04, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "JT" dataset. It consists of 92 cases, 47 of which are diseased, interpreted in two treatments ("1" = CT images acquired for attenuation correction, "2" = diagnostic CT images), by nine radiographers using the FROC paradigm. Each case was a slice of an anthropomorphic phantom 47 with inserted nodular lesions (max 3 per slice). The maximum number of NLs per case, over the entire dataset was 7.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:9, 1:92, 1:7], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:9, 1:47, 1:3], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:47], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:47, 1:3], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:47, 1:3], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset05", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "THOMPSON", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:9, 1:92, 1:4], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "1" "2", modality labels
, chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4", reader labels
Thompson JD Hogg P, et al. (2014) A Free-Response Evaluation Determining Value in the Computed Tomography Attenuation Correction Image for Revealing Pulmonary Incidental Findings: A Phantom Study. Academic Radiology, 21 (4): 538-545.
res <- str(dataset05) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset05) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "MAG" dataset (after Magnus Bath, who conducted the JAFROC analysis). It consists of 100 cases, 69 of which are diseased, interpreted in two treatments ("1" = conventional chest, "1" = chest tomosynthesis) by four radiologists using the FROC paradigm.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:89, 1:17], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:42, 1:15], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:42], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:42, 1:15], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:42, 1:15], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset06", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "MAGNUS", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:89, 1:16], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "1" "2", modality labels
, chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4", reader labels
Vikgren J et al. Comparison of Chest Tomosynthesis and Chest Radiography for Detection of Pulmonary Nodules: Human Observer Study of Clinical Cases. Radiology. 2008;249(3):1034-1041.
res <- str(dataset06) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset06, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset06) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset06, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "OPT" dataset (for OptiMam). It consists of 162 cases, 81 of which are diseased, interpreted in five treatments (see reference, basically different ways of acquiring the images) by seven radiologists using the FROC paradigm.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:5, 1:7, 1:162, 1:4], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:5, 1:7, 1:81, 1:3], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:81], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:81, 1:3], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:81, 1:3], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset07", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "LUCY-WARREN", the name of the dataset
, num [1:5, 1:7, 1:162, 1:4], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., modality labels
, chr [1:7] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Warren LM, Mackenzie A, Cooke J, et al. Effect of image quality on calcification detection in digital mammography. Medical Physics. 2012;39(6):3202-3213.
res <- str(dataset07) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset07, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset07) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset07, opChType = "wAFROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "PEN" dataset. It consists of 112 cases, 64 of which are diseased, interpreted in five treatments (basically different image compression algorithms) by five radiologists using the FROC paradigm (the inferred ROC dataset is included; the original FROC data is lost).
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:5, 1:5, 1:112, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:5, 1:5, 1:64, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:64], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:64, 1], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:64, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset08", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "PENEDO", the name of the dataset
, num [1:5, 1:5, 1:112, 1:2], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:5] "0" "1" "2" "3" ..., modality labels
, chr [1:5] "0" "1" "2" "3" ..., reader labels
Penedo et al. Free-Response Receiver Operating Characteristic Evaluation of Lossy JPEG2000 and Object-based Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees Compression of Digitized Mammograms. Radiology. 2005;237(2):450-457.
res <- str(dataset08) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset08, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset08) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset08, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "NICO" dataset. It consists of 200 mammograms,
80 of which contain one malignant mass,
interpreted by a CAD system and nine radiologists using the
LROC paradigm. The first reader is CAD. The highest rating was used to convert this to an ROC
dataset. The original LROC data is datasetCadLroc
. Analyzing this
data requires methods described in the book, implemented in the function
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1, 1:10, 1:200, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1, 1:10, 1:80, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:80], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:80, 1], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:80, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset09", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "NICO-CAD-ROC", the name of the dataset
, num [1, 1:10, 1:200, 1:2], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr "1", modality label(s)
, chr [1:10] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Hupse R et al. Standalone computer-aided detection compared to radiologists' performance for the detection of mammographic masses. Eur Radiol. 2013;23(1):93-100.
res <- str(dataset09) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset09, rdrs = 1:10, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset09) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset09, rdrs = 1:10, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "RUS" dataset. It consists of 90 cases, 40 of which are diseased, the images were acquired at three dose levels, which can be regarded as treatments. "0" = conventional film radiographs, "1" = digitized images viewed on monitors, Eight radiologists interpreted the cases using the FROC paradigm. These have been reduced to ROC data by using the highest ratings (the original FROC data is lost).
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:3, 1:8, 1:90, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:3, 1:8, 1:40, 1] , ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:40], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:40, 1], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:40, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset10", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "RUSCHIN", the name of the dataset
, num [1:3, 1:8, 1:90, 1:2], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:3] "1" "2" "3", modality label(s)
, chr [1:8] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Ruschin M, et al. Dose dependence of mass and microcalcification detection in digital mammography: free response human observer studies. Med Phys. 2007;34:400 - 407.
res <- str(dataset10) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset10, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
res <- str(dataset10) ## PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset10, opChType = "ROC")$Plot
This is referred to in the book as the "DOB1" dataset. Dobbins et al conducted a multi-institutional, MRMC study to compare the performance of digital tomosynthesis (GE's VolumeRad device), dual-energy (DE) imaging, and conventional chest radiography for pulmonary nodule detection and management. All study images were obtained with a flat-panel detector developed by GE. The case set consisted of 158 subjects, of which 43 were non-diseased and the rest had 1 - 20 pulmonary nodules independently verified, using with CT images, by 3 experts who did not participate in the observer study. The study used FROC paradigm data collection. There are 4 treatments labeled 1 - 4 (conventional chest x-ray, CXR, CXR augmented with dual-energy (CXR+DE), VolumeRad digital tomosynthesis images and VolumeRad augmented with DE (VolumeRad+DE).
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:158, 1:4], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:115, 1:20], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:115], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:115, 1:20], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:115, 1:20], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset11", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "DOBBINS-1", the name of the dataset
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:158, 1:21], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4", modality label(s)
, chr [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Dobbins III JT et al. Multi-Institutional Evaluation of Digital Tomosynthesis, Dual-Energy Radiography, and Conventional Chest Radiography for the Detection and Management of Pulmonary Nodules. Radiology. 2016;282(1):236-250.
res <- str(dataset11)
res <- str(dataset11)
This is referred to in the code as the "DOB2" dataset. It contains actionability ratings, i.e., do you recommend further follow up on the patient, one a 1 (definitely not) to 5 (definitely yes), effectively an ROC dataset using a 5-point rating scale.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:152, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:88, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:88], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:88, 1], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:88, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset12", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "DOBBINS-2", the name of the dataset
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:152, 1:2] , truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4", modality label(s)
, chr [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Dobbins III JT et al. Multi-Institutional Evaluation of Digital Tomosynthesis, Dual-Energy Radiography, and Conventional Chest Radiography for the Detection and Management of Pulmonary Nodules. Radiology. 2016;282(1):236-250.
res <- str(dataset12)
res <- str(dataset12)
This is referred to in the code as the "DOB3" dataset. This is a subset of DOB1 which includes data for lesions not-visible on CXR, but visible to truth panel on all treatments.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:158, 1:4], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:106, 1:15], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:106], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:106, 1:15], numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:106, 1:15], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset13", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "DOBBINS-3", the name of the dataset
, num [1:4, 1:5, 1:158, 1:16], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4", modality label(s)
, chr [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Dobbins III JT et al. Multi-Institutional Evaluation of Digital Tomosynthesis, Dual-Energy Radiography, and Conventional Chest Radiography for the Detection and Management of Pulmonary Nodules. Radiology. 2016;282(1):236-250.
res <- str(dataset13)
res <- str(dataset13)
This is referred to in the book as the "FZR" dataset. It is a real ROC study, conducted on the same images and using the same radiologists, on treatments "4" and "5" of dataset04. This was compared to highest rating inferred ROC data from dataset04 to conclude, erroneously, that the highest rating assumption is invalid. See book Section 13.6 and run "~/GitHub/RJafroc/inst/InferredVsReal/InferredVsReal.R".
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:200, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:100, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:100], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:100, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:100, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "dataset14", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "FEDERICA-REAL-ROC", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:200, 1:2], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "4" "5", modality label(s)
, chr [1:4] "1" "2" "3" "4", reader labels
Zanca F, Hillis SL, Claus F, et al (2012) Correlation of free-response and receiver-operating-characteristic area-under-the-curve estimates: Results from independently conducted FROC/ROC studies in mammography. Med Phys. 39(10):5917-5929.
res <- str(dataset14)
res <- str(dataset14)
; seed = 123A binned dataset suitable for analysis by FitCorCbm
. It was generated by
DfCreateCorCbmDataset by setting the seed
variable to 123. Note
the formatting of the data as a single modality two reader dataset, even though
the actual pairing might be different, see FitCorCbm
. The dataset is
intentionally large so as to demonstrate the asymptotic convergence of ML estimates,
produced by FitCorCbm
, to the population values. The data was generated
by the following argument values to DfCreateCorCbmDataset
: seed = 123,
K1 = 5000, K2 = 5000, desiredNumBins = 5, muX = 1.5, muY = 3, alphaX = 0.4,
alphaY = 0.7, rhoNor = 0.3, rhoAbn2 = 0.8.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1, 1:2, 1:10000, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1, 1:2, 1:5000, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:5000], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:5000, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:5000, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetBinned123", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "SIM-CORCBM-SEED-123", the name of the dataset
, NA, truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL-X-MOD", study design, factorial dataset
, chr "1", modality label(s)
, chr [1:2] "1" "2", reader labels
Zhai X, Chakraborty DP (2017). A bivariate contaminated binormal model for robust fitting of proper ROC curves to a pair of correlated, possibly degenerate, ROC datasets. Medical Physics. 44(6):2207–2222.
res <- str(datasetBinned123)
res <- str(datasetBinned123)
; seed = 124A binned dataset suitable for analysis by FitCorCbm
. It was generated by
by setting the seed
variable to 124.
Otherwise similar to datasetBinned123
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1, 1:2, 1:10000, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1, 1:2, 1:5000, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:5000], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:5000, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:5000, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetBinned124", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "SIM-CORCBM-SEED-124", the name of the dataset
, NA, truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL-X-MOD", study design, factorial dataset
, chr "1", modality label(s)
, chr [1:2] "1" "2", reader labels
Zhai X, Chakraborty DP (2017). A bivariate contaminated binormal model for robust fitting of proper ROC curves to a pair of correlated, possibly degenerate, ROC datasets. Medical Physics. 44(6):2207–2222.
res <- str(datasetBinned124)
res <- str(datasetBinned124)
; seed = 125A binned dataset suitable for analysis by FitCorCbm
. It was generated by
by setting the seed
variable to 125.
Otherwise similar to datasetBinned123
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1, 1:2, 1:10000, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1, 1:2, 1:5000, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:5000], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:5000, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:5000, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetBinned125", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "SIM-CORCBM-SEED-125", the name of the dataset
, NA, truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL-X-MOD", study design, factorial dataset
, chr "1", modality label(s)
, chr [1:2] "1" "2", reader labels
Zhai X, Chakraborty DP (2017). A bivariate contaminated binormal model for robust fitting of proper ROC curves to a pair of correlated, possibly degenerate, ROC datasets. Medical Physics. 44(6):2207–2222.
res <- str(datasetBinned125)
res <- str(datasetBinned125)
This is the actual LROC data corresponding to dataset09
, which was the inferred
ROC data. Note that the LL
field is split into two, LL
, representing true
positives where the lesions were correctly localized, and LL_IL
, representing true
positives where the lesions were incorrectly localized. The first reader is CAD
and the remaining readers are radiologists.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1, 1:10, 1:200, 1], ratings of localizations on normal cases
, num [1, 1:10, 1:80, 1], ratings of correct localizations on abnormal cases
num [1, 1:10, 1:80, 1], ratings of incorrect localizations on abnormal cases
, int [1:80], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:80, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:80, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetCadLroc", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "LROC", the data type
, chr "NICO-CAD-LROC", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:200, 1:2], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr "1", modality label(s)
, chr [1:10] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
Hupse R et al. Standalone computer-aided detection compared to radiologists' performance for the detection of mammographic masses. Eur Radiol. 2013;23(1):93-100.
res <- str(datasetCadLroc)
res <- str(datasetCadLroc)
Simulated FROC CAD vs. RAD dataset suitable for checking code. It was generated from datasetCadLroc using SimulateFrocFromLrocData.R. The LROC paradigm always yields a single mark per case. Therefore the equivalent FROC will also have only one mark per case. The NL arrays of the two datasets are identical. The LL array is created by copying the LL (correct localiztion) array of the LROC dataset to the LL array of the FROC dataset, from diseased case index k2 = 1 to k2 = K2. Additionally, the LL_IL array of the LROC dataset is copied to the NL array of the FROC dataset, starting at case index k1 = K1+1 to k1 = K1+K2. Any zero ratings are replace by -Infs. The equivalent FROC dataset has the same HrAuc as the original LROC dataset. See example. The main use of this dataset & function is to test the CAD significance testing functions using CAD FROC datasets, which I currently don't have.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1, 1:10, 1:200, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1, 1:10, 1:80, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:80], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:80, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:80, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetCadSimuFroc", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "LROC", the data type
, chr "NICO-CAD-LROC", the name of the dataset
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:200, 1:2], truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL", study design, factorial dataset
, chr "1", modality label(s)
, chr [1:10] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
A simulated degenerated dataset. A degenerate dataset is defined as one with no interior operating points on the ROC plot. Such data tend to be observed with expert level radiologists. This dataset is used to illustrate the robustness of CBM and RSM fitting models.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1, 1, 1:15, 1], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1, 1, 1:10, 1], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:10], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:10, 1] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:10, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetDegenerate", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROC", the data type
, chr "SIM-DEGENERATE", the name of the dataset
, NA, truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL-X-MOD", study design, factorial dataset
, chr "1", modality label(s)
, chr "1", reader labels
res <- str(datasetDegenerate)
res <- str(datasetDegenerate)
#' Simulated FROC SPLIT-PLOT-C dataset
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:200, 1:7], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:100, 1:3], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:100], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:100, 1:3] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:100, 1:3], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetFROCSpC", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "SIM-FROC-SPLIT-PLOT-C", the name of the dataset
, NA, truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL-X-MOD", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "4" "5", treatment label(s)
, chr [1:4] "1" "3" "4" "5", reader labels
TBA Simulated ROI dataset: assumed are 4 ROIs per case, 5 readers, 50 non-dieased and 40 diseased cases.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:90, 1:4], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:5, 1:40, 1:4], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:40], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:40, 1:4] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:40, 1:4], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetROI", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "ROI", the data type
, chr "SIM-ROI", the name of the dataset
, NA, truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL-X-MOD", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "1" "2", modality label(s)
, chr [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" ..., reader labels
res <- str(datasetROI)
res <- str(datasetROI)
This is a crossed modality dataset, see book Section 18.5. There are two modality factors.
The first modality factor modalityID1
can be "F" or "I", which represent two CT reconstruction
algorithms. The second modality factor modalityID2
can be "20" "40" "60" "80", which
represent the mAs values of the image acquisition. The factors are fully crossed.
A list with 3 elements: $ratings
, $lesions
and $descriptions
; $ratings
contain 3 elements, $NL
, $LL
and $LL_IL
as sub-lists; $lesions
contain 3 elements, $perCase
, $IDs
and $weights
as sub-lists; $descriptions
contain 7 elements, $fileName
, $type
, $name
, $design
, $modalityID
and $readerID
as sub-lists;
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:11, 1:68, 1:5], ratings of non-lesion localizations, NLs
, num [1:2, 1:4, 1:11, 1:34, 1:3], ratings of lesion localizations, LLs
NA, this placeholder is used only for LROC data
, int [1:34], number of lesions per diseased case
, num [1:34, 1:3] , numeric labels of lesions on diseased cases
, num [1:34, 1:3], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
, chr, "datasetX", base name of dataset in 'data' folder
, chr "FROC", the data type
, chr "THOMPSON-X-MOD", the name of the dataset
, NA, truth table structure
, chr "FCTRL-X-MOD", study design, factorial dataset
, chr [1:2] "F" "I", modality label(s)
, chr [1:4] "20" "40" "60" "80", reader labels
Thompson JD, Chakraborty DP, et al. (2016) Effect of reconstruction methods and x-ray tube current-time product on nodule detection in an anthropomorphic thorax phantom: a crossed-modality JAFROC observer study. Medical Physics. 43(3):1265-1274.
res <- str(datasetX)
res <- str(datasetX)
Converts ratings arrays, ROC or FROC, but not LROC, to an RJafroc dataset, thereby allowing the user to leverage the file I/O, plotting and analyses capabilities of RJafroc.
Df2RJafrocDataset(NL, LL, InputIsCountsTable = FALSE, ...)
Df2RJafrocDataset(NL, LL, InputIsCountsTable = FALSE, ...)
NL |
Non-lesion localizations array (or FP array for ROC data). |
LL |
Lesion localizations array (or TP array for ROC data). |
InputIsCountsTable |
If |
... |
Other elements of RJafroc dataset that may, depending on the
context, need to be specified. |
The function "senses" the data type (ROC or FROC) from the the
absence or presence of perCase
ROC data can be NL[1:K1]
and LL[1:K2]
or NL[1:I,1:J,1:K1]
and LL[1:I,1:J,1:K2]
FROC data can be NL[1:K1,1:maxNL]
and LL[1:K2, 1:maxLL]
and LL[1:I,1:J,1:K2,1:maxLL]
Here maxNL/maxLL
= maximum numbers of NLs/LLs, per case, over entire
dataset. Equal weights are assigned to every lesion (FROC data).
Consecutive characters/integers starting with "1" are assigned to
, modalityID
and readerID
A dataset with the structure described in
## Input as ratings arrays set.seed(1);NL <- rnorm(5);LL <- rnorm(7)*1.5 + 2 dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(NL, LL) ## Input as counts tables K1t <- c(30, 19, 8, 2, 1) K2t <- c(5, 6, 5, 12, 22) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(K1t, K2t, InputIsCountsTable = TRUE)
## Input as ratings arrays set.seed(1);NL <- rnorm(5);LL <- rnorm(7)*1.5 + 2 dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(NL, LL) ## Input as counts tables K1t <- c(30, 19, 8, 2, 1) K2t <- c(5, 6, 5, 12, 22) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(K1t, K2t, InputIsCountsTable = TRUE)
Bins continuous (i.e. floating point) or quasi-continuous (e.g. integers 0-100) ratings in a dataset and returns the corresponding binned dataset in which the ratings are integers 1, 2,...., with higher values representing greater confidence in presence of disease
DfBinDataset(dataset, desiredNumBins = 7, opChType)
DfBinDataset(dataset, desiredNumBins = 7, opChType)
dataset |
The dataset to be binned, with structure as in |
desiredNumBins |
The desired number of bins. The default is 7. |
opChType |
The operating characteristic relevant to the binning operation:
For small datasets the number of bins may be smaller than desiredNumBins
The algorithm needs to know the type of operating characteristic
relevant to the binning operation. For ROC the bins are FP and TP counts, for
FROC the bins are NL and LL counts, for AFROC the bins are FP and LL counts,
and for wAFROC the bins are FP and wLL counts. Binning is generally
employed prior to fitting a statistical model, e.g., maximum likelihood, to the data.
This version chooses ctffs so as to maximize empirical AUC (this yields a
unique choice of ctffs which gives the reader the maximum deserved credit).
The binned dataset
Miller GA (1956) The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information, The Psychological Review 63, 81-97
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset02, desiredNumBins = 3, opChType = "ROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 4, opChType = "ROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 4, opChType = "AFROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 4, opChType = "wAFROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC", desiredNumBins = 1) binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC", desiredNumBins = 2) binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC", desiredNumBins = 3) ## etc. ## takes longer than 5 sec on OSX dataset <- SimulateRocDataset(I = 2, J = 5, K1 = 50, K2 = 70, a = 1, b = 0.5, seed = 123) datasetB <- DfBinDataset(dataset, desiredNumBins = 7, opChType = "ROC") fomOrg <- as.matrix(UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon")) ##print(fomOrg) fomBinned <- as.matrix(UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetB, FOM = "Wilcoxon")) ##print(fomBinned) ##cat("mean, sd = ", mean(fomOrg), sd(fomOrg), "\n") ##cat("mean, sd = ", mean(fomBinned), sd(fomBinned), "\n")
binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset02, desiredNumBins = 3, opChType = "ROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 4, opChType = "ROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 4, opChType = "AFROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 4, opChType = "wAFROC") binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC", desiredNumBins = 1) binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC", desiredNumBins = 2) binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, opChType = "wAFROC", desiredNumBins = 3) ## etc. ## takes longer than 5 sec on OSX dataset <- SimulateRocDataset(I = 2, J = 5, K1 = 50, K2 = 70, a = 1, b = 0.5, seed = 123) datasetB <- DfBinDataset(dataset, desiredNumBins = 7, opChType = "ROC") fomOrg <- as.matrix(UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon")) ##print(fomOrg) fomBinned <- as.matrix(UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetB, FOM = "Wilcoxon")) ##print(fomBinned) ##cat("mean, sd = ", mean(fomOrg), sd(fomOrg), "\n") ##cat("mean, sd = ", mean(fomBinned), sd(fomBinned), "\n")
The paired dataset is generated using bivariate sampling; details are in referenced publication
DfCreateCorCbmDataset( seed = 123, K1 = 50, K2 = 50, desiredNumBins = 5, muX = 1.5, muY = 3, alphaX = 0.4, alphaY = 0.7, rhoNor = 0.3, rhoAbn2 = 0.8 )
DfCreateCorCbmDataset( seed = 123, K1 = 50, K2 = 50, desiredNumBins = 5, muX = 1.5, muY = 3, alphaX = 0.4, alphaY = 0.7, rhoNor = 0.3, rhoAbn2 = 0.8 )
seed |
The seed variable, default is 123; set to NULL for truly random seed |
K1 |
The number of non-diseased cases, default is 50 |
K2 |
The number of diseased cases, default is 50 |
desiredNumBins |
The desired number of bins; default is 5 |
muX |
The CBM |
muY |
The CBM |
alphaX |
The CBM |
alphaY |
The CBM ‘alpha’ parameter in condition Y |
rhoNor |
The correlation of non-diseased case z-samples |
rhoAbn2 |
The correlation of diseased case z-samples, when disease is visible in both conditions |
The ROC data is bined to 5 bins in each condition.
The desired dataset suitable for testing FitCorCbm
Zhai X, Chakraborty DP (2017) A bivariate contaminated binormal model for robust fitting of proper ROC curves to a pair of correlated, possibly degenerate, ROC datasets. Medical Physics. 44(6):2207–2222.
## seed <- 1 ## this gives unequal numbers of bins in X and Y conditions for 50/50 dataset dataset <- DfCreateCorCbmDataset() ## this takes very long time!! used to show asymptotic convergence of ML estimates ## dataset <- DfCreateCorCbmDataset(K1 = 5000, K2 = 5000)
## seed <- 1 ## this gives unequal numbers of bins in X and Y conditions for 50/50 dataset dataset <- DfCreateCorCbmDataset() ## this takes very long time!! used to show asymptotic convergence of ML estimates ## dataset <- DfCreateCorCbmDataset(K1 = 5000, K2 = 5000)
Extract a paired dataset from a larger dataset. The pairing could be two readers in the same modality, or different readers in different treatments, or the same reader in different treatments. If necessary The data is binned to 5 bins in each condition.
DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset, trts = 1, rdrs = 1)
DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset, trts = 1, rdrs = 1)
dataset |
The original dataset from which the pairing is to be extracted |
trts |
A vector, maximum length 2, contains the indices of the modality or treatments to be extracted |
rdrs |
A vector, maximum length 2, contains the indices of the reader or readers to be extracted |
The desired pairing is contained in the vectors trts
and rdrs
If either has length one, the other must
have length two and the pairing is implicit. If both are length two, then the pairing
is that implied by the first treatement
and the second reader, which is one arm, and the other arm is that implied by the second
modality paired with the first
reader. Using this method any allowed pairing can be extracted and analyzed by FitCorCbm
The utility of this software is
in designing a ratings simulator that is statistically matched to a real dataset.
A 1-modality 2-reader dataset
## Extract the paired data corresponding to the second and third readers in the first modality ## from the included ROC dataset dataset11_23 <- DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset05, trts = 1, rdrs = c(2,3)) ## Extract the paired data corresponding to the third reader in the first and second treatments dataset12_33 <- DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset05, trts = c(1,2), rdrs = 3) ## Extract the data corresponding to the first reader in the first ## modality paired with the data ## from the third reader in the second modality ## (the bin indices are at different positions in the two arrays) dataset12_13 <- DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset05, trts = c(1,2), rdrs = c(1,3))
## Extract the paired data corresponding to the second and third readers in the first modality ## from the included ROC dataset dataset11_23 <- DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset05, trts = 1, rdrs = c(2,3)) ## Extract the paired data corresponding to the third reader in the first and second treatments dataset12_33 <- DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset05, trts = c(1,2), rdrs = 3) ## Extract the data corresponding to the first reader in the first ## modality paired with the data ## from the third reader in the second modality ## (the bin indices are at different positions in the two arrays) dataset12_13 <- DfExtractCorCbmDataset(dataset05, trts = c(1,2), rdrs = c(1,3))
Extract a dataset consisting of a subset of treatments/readers from a larger dataset
DfExtractDataset(dataset, trts, rdrs)
DfExtractDataset(dataset, trts, rdrs)
dataset |
The original dataset from which the subset is to be extracted |
trts |
A vector contains the indices of the treatments to be extracted. If this parameter is not supplied, all treatments are extracted. |
rdrs |
A vector contains the indices of the readers to be extracted. If this parameter is not supplied, all readers are extracted. |
Note that trts
and rdrs
are the vectors of indices
not IDs. For example, if the ID of the first reader is "0", the
corresponding value in trts
should be 1 not 0.
A dataset containing only the specified treatments and readers that were extracted from the original dataset
## Extract the data corresponding to the second reader in the ## first modality from an included ROC dataset ds1 <- DfExtractDataset(dataset05, trts = 1, rdrs = 2) ## Extract the data of the first and third reader in all ## modality from the included ROC dataset ds2 <- DfExtractDataset(dataset05, rdrs = c(1, 3))
## Extract the data corresponding to the second reader in the ## first modality from an included ROC dataset ds1 <- DfExtractDataset(dataset05, trts = 1, rdrs = 2) ## Extract the data of the first and third reader in all ## modality from the included ROC dataset ds2 <- DfExtractDataset(dataset05, rdrs = c(1, 3))
Simulates a multiple-modality multiple-reader "AUC-equivalent" LROC dataset from a supplied FROC dataset.
dataset |
The FROC dataset to be converted to LROC. |
The FROC paradigm can have 0 or more marks per case. However, LROC is restricted to exactly one mark per case. For the NL array of the LROC data, for non-disesed cases, the highest rating of the FROC marks, or -Inf if there are no marks, is copied to case index k1 = 1 to k1 = K1 of the LROC dataset. For each diseased case, if the max LL rating exceeds the max NL rating, then the max LL rating is copied to the LL array, otherwise the max NL rating is copied to the LL_IL array. The max NL rating on each diseased case is then set to -Inf (since the LROC paradigm only allows one mark. The equivalent FROC dataset has the same HrAuc as the original LROC dataset. See example. The main use of this function is to test the Significance testing functions using MRMC LROC datasets, which I currently don't have.
The AUC-equivalent LROC dataset
lrocDataset <- DfFroc2Lroc(dataset05) frocHrAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset05, FOM = "HrAuc") lrocWilcoxonAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(lrocDataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon") testthat::expect_equal(frocHrAuc, lrocWilcoxonAuc)
lrocDataset <- DfFroc2Lroc(dataset05) frocHrAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset05, FOM = "HrAuc") lrocWilcoxonAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(lrocDataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon") testthat::expect_equal(frocHrAuc, lrocWilcoxonAuc)
Convert an FROC dataset to a highest rating inferred ROC dataset
dataset |
The FROC dataset to be converted, |
The first member of the ROC dataset is NL
, whose 3rd dimension has
length (K1 + K2)
, the total number of cases. Ratings of cases (K1 + 1)
through (K1 + K2)
are -Inf
. This is because in an ROC dataset
FPs are only possible on non-diseased cases.The second member of the list is LL
Its 3rd dimension has length K2, the number of diseased cases. This is
because TPs are only possible on diseased cases. For each case the
inferred ROC rating is the highest of all FROC ratings on that case. If a case has
no marks, a finite ROC rating, guaranteed to be smaller than the rating on
any marked case, is assigned to it. The dataset structure is shown below:
Ratings array [1:I, 1:J, 1:(K1+K2), 1], of false positives, FPs
Ratings array [1:I, 1:J, 1:K2, 1], of true positives, TPs
array [1:K2], number of lesions per diseased case
array [1:K2, 1], labels of lesions on diseased cases
array [1:K2, 1], weights (or clinical importances) of lesions
"ROC", the data type
[1:I] inherited modality labels
[1:J] inherited reader labels
An ROC dataset with finite ratings in NL[,,1:K1,1] and LL[,,1:K2,1].
rocDataSet <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset05) ## in the following example, because of the smaller number of cases, ## it is easy to see the process at work: set.seed(1);K1 <- 3;K2 <- 5 mu <- 1;nu <- 0.5;lambda <- 2;zeta1 <- 0 lambda_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu,lambda,nu)$lambda_i nu_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu,lambda,nu)$nu_i Lmax <- 2;Lk2 <- floor(runif(K2, 1, Lmax + 1)) frocDataRaw <- SimulateFrocDataset(mu, lambda_i, nu_i, zeta1, I = 1, J = 1, K1, K2, perCase = Lk2) hrData <- DfFroc2Roc(frocDataRaw) ## print("frocDataRaw$ratings$NL[1,1,,] = ") ## print("hrData$ratings$NL[1,1,1:K1,] = ") ## print("frocDataRaw$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## print("hrData$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## following is the output ## [1] "frocDataRaw$ratings$NL[1,1,,] = " ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## [1,] 2.4046534 0.7635935 -Inf -Inf ## [2,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [3,] 0.2522234 -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [4,] 0.4356833 -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [5,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [6,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [7,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [8,] 0.8041895 0.3773956 0.1333364 -Inf ## > ## print("hrData$ratings$NL[1,1,1:K1,] = ") ## [1] "hrData$ratings$NL[1,1,1:K1,] = " ## [1] 2.4046534 -Inf 0.2522234 ## > ## print("frocDataRaw$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## [1] "frocDataRaw$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = " ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] -Inf -Inf ## [2,] 1.5036080 -Inf ## [3,] 0.8442045 -Inf ## [4,] 1.0467262 -Inf ## [5,] -Inf -Inf ## > ## print("hrData$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## [1] "hrData$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = " ## [1] 0.4356833 1.5036080 0.8442045 1.0467262 0.8041895 ## Note that rating of the first and the last diseased case came from NL marks
rocDataSet <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset05) ## in the following example, because of the smaller number of cases, ## it is easy to see the process at work: set.seed(1);K1 <- 3;K2 <- 5 mu <- 1;nu <- 0.5;lambda <- 2;zeta1 <- 0 lambda_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu,lambda,nu)$lambda_i nu_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu,lambda,nu)$nu_i Lmax <- 2;Lk2 <- floor(runif(K2, 1, Lmax + 1)) frocDataRaw <- SimulateFrocDataset(mu, lambda_i, nu_i, zeta1, I = 1, J = 1, K1, K2, perCase = Lk2) hrData <- DfFroc2Roc(frocDataRaw) ## print("frocDataRaw$ratings$NL[1,1,,] = ") ## print("hrData$ratings$NL[1,1,1:K1,] = ") ## print("frocDataRaw$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## print("hrData$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## following is the output ## [1] "frocDataRaw$ratings$NL[1,1,,] = " ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## [1,] 2.4046534 0.7635935 -Inf -Inf ## [2,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [3,] 0.2522234 -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [4,] 0.4356833 -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [5,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [6,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [7,] -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [8,] 0.8041895 0.3773956 0.1333364 -Inf ## > ## print("hrData$ratings$NL[1,1,1:K1,] = ") ## [1] "hrData$ratings$NL[1,1,1:K1,] = " ## [1] 2.4046534 -Inf 0.2522234 ## > ## print("frocDataRaw$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## [1] "frocDataRaw$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = " ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] -Inf -Inf ## [2,] 1.5036080 -Inf ## [3,] 0.8442045 -Inf ## [4,] 1.0467262 -Inf ## [5,] -Inf -Inf ## > ## print("hrData$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = ") ## [1] "hrData$ratings$LL[1,1,,] = " ## [1] 0.4356833 1.5036080 0.8442045 1.0467262 0.8041895 ## Note that rating of the first and the last diseased case came from NL marks
Simulates a multiple-modality multiple-reader "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from a supplied LROC dataset, e.g., datasetCadLroc.
dataset |
The LROC dataset to be converted to FROC. |
The LROC paradigm always yields a single mark per case. Therefore the equivalent FROC will also have only one mark per case. The NL arrays of the two datasets are identical. The LL array is created by copying the LLCl array of the LROC dataset to the LL array of the FROC dataset, from diseased case index k2 = 1 to k2 = K2. Additionally, the LLIl array of the LROC dataset is copied to the NL array of the FROC dataset, starting at case index k1 = K1+1 to k1 = K1+K2. Any zero ratings are replace by -Infs. The equivalent FROC dataset has the same HrAuc as the original LROC dataset. See example. The main use of this function is to test the CAD significance testing functions using CAD FROC datasets, which I currently don't have.
The AUC-equivalent FROC dataset
frocDataset <- DfLroc2Froc(datasetCadLroc) lrocAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetCadLroc, FOM = "Wilcoxon") frocHrAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(frocDataset, FOM = "HrAuc")
frocDataset <- DfLroc2Froc(datasetCadLroc) lrocAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetCadLroc, FOM = "Wilcoxon") frocHrAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(frocDataset, FOM = "HrAuc")
Converts an LROC dataset to an ROC dataset
dataset |
The LROC dataset to be converted. |
For the diseased cases one takes the maximum rating on each diseased case, which could be a LL ("true positive" correct localization) or a LL_IL ("true positive" incorrect localization) rating, whichever has the higher rating. For non-diseased cases the NL arrays are identical.
An ROC dataset
rocDataSet <- DfLroc2Roc(datasetCadLroc)
rocDataSet <- DfLroc2Roc(datasetCadLroc)
Read an Excel file and create an ROC, FROC or LROC dataset object from it.
DfReadDataFile( fileName, format = "JAFROC", newExcelFileFormat = FALSE, lrocForcedMark = NA, delimiter = ",", sequentialNames = FALSE )
DfReadDataFile( fileName, format = "JAFROC", newExcelFileFormat = FALSE, lrocForcedMark = NA, delimiter = ",", sequentialNames = FALSE )
fileName |
A string specifying the name of the file. The file-extension
must match the |
format |
A string specifying the format of the data file. It can be
newExcelFileFormat |
Logical. Must be true to read LROC data. This
argument only applies to the |
lrocForcedMark |
Logical: For LROC dataset only: is a forced mark
required on every image? The default is |
delimiter |
The string delimiter to be used for the |
sequentialNames |
A logical variable: if |
A dataset with the structure specified in
The "MRMC"
format is deprecated. For non-JAFROC formats four
file extensions (.csv
, .txt
, .lrc
and .imrmc
are possible, all of which are restricted to ROC data. Only iMRMC
format is now supported, i.e, files with extension .imrmc
. Other
formats (.csv
, .txt
, .lrc
) are deprecated. Such files
can still be read by this function and then saved to a JAFROC format file
for further analysis within this package.
For non-JAFROC data file formats, the readerID
fields must be unique integers.
This function is used only for factorial datasets. For SPLIT-PLOT datasets use function DfReadSP.
fileName <- system.file("extdata", "toyFiles/ROC/rocCr.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) rdrArr1D <- DfReadDataFile(fileName, newExcelFileFormat = TRUE) fileName <- system.file("extdata", "Roc.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) RocDataXlsx <- DfReadDataFile(fileName) fileName <- system.file("extdata", "RocData.csv", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) RocDataCsv<- DfReadDataFile(fileName, format = "MRMC") fileName <- system.file("extdata", "RocData.imrmc", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) RocDataImrmc<- DfReadDataFile(fileName, format = "iMRMC") fileName <- system.file("extdata", "Froc.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) FrocDataXlsx <- DfReadDataFile(fileName, sequentialNames = TRUE)
fileName <- system.file("extdata", "toyFiles/ROC/rocCr.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) rdrArr1D <- DfReadDataFile(fileName, newExcelFileFormat = TRUE) fileName <- system.file("extdata", "Roc.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) RocDataXlsx <- DfReadDataFile(fileName) fileName <- system.file("extdata", "RocData.csv", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) RocDataCsv<- DfReadDataFile(fileName, format = "MRMC") fileName <- system.file("extdata", "RocData.imrmc", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) RocDataImrmc<- DfReadDataFile(fileName, format = "iMRMC") fileName <- system.file("extdata", "Froc.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) FrocDataXlsx <- DfReadDataFile(fileName, sequentialNames = TRUE)
Read a disk file and create an ROC or FROC dataset object
fileName |
A string specifying the name of the file. |
A dataset with the structure specified in
fileName <- system.file("extdata", "toyFiles/ROC/rocCr.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) ds <- DfReadSP(fileName)
fileName <- system.file("extdata", "toyFiles/ROC/rocCr.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) ds <- DfReadSP(fileName)
Read a crossed-modality data file, in which the two modality factors are crossed
DfReadXModalities(fileName, sequentialNames = FALSE)
DfReadXModalities(fileName, sequentialNames = FALSE)
fileName |
A string specifying the name of the file that contains the dataset, which must be an extended-JAFROC format Excel file containing an additional modality factor. |
sequentialNames |
If |
The data format is similar to the JAFROC format (see RJafroc-package
The difference is that there are two modality factors. TBA For an example see ... add
reference to FROC book chapter https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocFrocBook/
A dataset with the specified structure, similar to a standard
RJafroc dataset (see RJafroc-package
). Because of the extra modality factor,
and LL
are each five dimensional arrays. There are also two
modality IDS: modalityID1
and modalityID2
Thompson JD, Chakraborty DP, Szczepura K, et al. (2016) Effect of reconstruction methods and x-ray tube current-time product on nodule detection in an anthropomorphic thorax phantom: a crossed-modality JAFROC observer study. Medical Physics. 43(3):1265-1274.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
Save ROC dataset in other formats so it can be analyzed with alternate software
DfSaveDataFile( dataset, fileName, format = "MRMC", dataDescription = "RJafroc dataset converted to imrmc format" )
DfSaveDataFile( dataset, fileName, format = "MRMC", dataDescription = "RJafroc dataset converted to imrmc format" )
dataset |
The dataset to be saved. |
fileName |
The file name of the output data file. The extension
of the data file must match the corresponding format, see |
format |
The format of the data file, which can be |
dataDescription |
An optional string variable describing the data file, the
default value is the variable name of |
## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "rocData2.csv", format = "MRMC") ## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "rocData2.lrc", format = "MRMC", ## dataDescription = "ExampleROCdata1") ## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "rocData2.txt", format = "MRMC", ## dataDescription = "ExampleROCdata2") ## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "dataset05.imrmc", format = "iMRMC", ## dataDescription = "ExampleROCdata3")
## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "rocData2.csv", format = "MRMC") ## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "rocData2.lrc", format = "MRMC", ## dataDescription = "ExampleROCdata1") ## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "rocData2.txt", format = "MRMC", ## dataDescription = "ExampleROCdata2") ## DfSaveDataFile(dataset = dataset02, ## fileName = "dataset05.imrmc", format = "iMRMC", ## dataDescription = "ExampleROCdata3")
Save a dataset object as a JAFROC format Excel file
DfWriteExcelDataFile(dataset, fileName)
DfWriteExcelDataFile(dataset, fileName)
dataset |
The dataset object, see |
fileName |
The file name to save to; the extension of the data file must be .xlsx |
##DfWriteExcelDataFile(dataset = dataset05, fileName = "rocData2.xlsx")
##DfWriteExcelDataFile(dataset = dataset05, fileName = "rocData2.xlsx")
Fit the binormal model-predicted ROC curve for a dataset. This is the R equivalent of ROCFIT or RSCORE
FitBinormalRoc(dataset, trt = 1, rdr = 1)
FitBinormalRoc(dataset, trt = 1, rdr = 1)
dataset |
The ROC dataset |
trt |
The desired modality, default is 1 |
rdr |
The desired reader, default is 1 |
In the binormal model ratings (more accurately the latent decision variables)
from diseased cases are sampled from while ratings for
non-diseased cases are sampled from
. To avoid clutter error
bars are only shown for the lowest and uppermost operating points. An FROC
dataset is internally converted to a highest rating inferred ROC dataset. To
many bins containing zero counts will cause the algorithm to fail; so be sure
to bin the data appropriately to fewer bins, where each bin has at least one
The returned value is a list with the following elements:
a |
The mean of the diseased distribution; the non-diseased distribution is assumed to have zero mean |
b |
The standard deviation of the non-diseased distribution. The diseased distribution is assumed to have unit standard deviation |
zetas |
The binormal model cutoffs, zetas or thresholds |
The binormal model fitted ROC-AUC |
StdAUC |
The standard deviation of AUC |
NLLIni |
The initial value of negative LL |
NLLFin |
The final value of negative LL |
ChisqrFitStats |
The chisquare goodness of fit results |
covMat |
The covariance matrix of the parameters |
fittedPlot |
A ggplot2 object containing the
fitted operating characteristic along with the empirical operating
points. Use |
Dorfman DD, Alf E (1969) Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Parameters of Signal-Detection Theory and Determination of Confidence Intervals - Rating-Method Data, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 6, 487-496.
Grey D, Morgan B (1972) Some aspects of ROC curve-fitting: normal and logistic models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 9, 128-139.
## Test with an included ROC dataset retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(dataset02);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with an included FROC dataset; it needs to be binned ## as there are more than 5 discrete ratings levels binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 5, opChType = "ROC") retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(binned);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with single interior point data fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2, 5)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(dataset);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with two interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(dataset);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with TONY data for which chisqr can be calculated ds <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(ds, 2, 3);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## retFit$ChisqrFitStats ## Test with included degenerate ROC data retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(datasetDegenerate);## print(retFit$fittedPlot)
## Test with an included ROC dataset retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(dataset02);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with an included FROC dataset; it needs to be binned ## as there are more than 5 discrete ratings levels binned <- DfBinDataset(dataset05, desiredNumBins = 5, opChType = "ROC") retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(binned);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with single interior point data fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2, 5)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(dataset);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with two interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(dataset);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with TONY data for which chisqr can be calculated ds <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(ds, 2, 3);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## retFit$ChisqrFitStats ## Test with included degenerate ROC data retFit <- FitBinormalRoc(datasetDegenerate);## print(retFit$fittedPlot)
Fit the CBM-predicted ROC curve for specified modality and reader
FitCbmRoc(dataset, trt = 1, rdr = 1)
FitCbmRoc(dataset, trt = 1, rdr = 1)
dataset |
The dataset containing the data |
trt |
The desired modality, default is 1 |
rdr |
The desired reader, default is 1 |
In CBM ratings from diseased cases are sampled from a mixture distribution
with two components: (1) distributed normal with mean and unit
variance with integrated area
, and (2) from a unit-normal
distribution with integrated area
. Ratings for non-diseased
cases are sampled from a unit-normal distribution. The
consists of a list containing the chi-square value,
the p-value and the degrees of freedom.
A list with the following elements:
mu |
The mean of the visible diseased distribution (the non-diseased) has zero mean |
alpha |
The proportion of diseased cases where the disease is visible |
zetas |
The cutoffs, zetas or thresholds |
The AUC of the fitted ROC curve |
StdAUC |
The standard deviation of AUC |
NLLIni |
The initial value of negative LL |
NLLFin |
The final value of negative LL |
ChisqrFitStats |
The chisquare goodness of fit results |
covMat |
The covariance matrix of the parameters |
fittedPlot |
A ggplot2 object containing the fitted
operating characteristic along with the empirical operating points.
Use |
This algorithm is very robust, especially compared to the binormal model.
Dorfman DD, Berbaum KS (2000) A contaminated binormal model for ROC data: Part II. A formal model, Acad Radiol, 7:6, 427–437.
## CPU time 8.7 sec on Ubuntu (#13) ## Test with included ROC data retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset02);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with included degenerate ROC data (yes! CBM can fit such data) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(datasetDegenerate);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with single interior point data fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2, 5)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with two interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset); ## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with included ROC data (some bins have zero counts) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset02, 2, 1);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with TONY data for which chisqr can be calculated ds <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(ds, 2, 3);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) retFit$ChisqrFitStats
## CPU time 8.7 sec on Ubuntu (#13) ## Test with included ROC data retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset02);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with included degenerate ROC data (yes! CBM can fit such data) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(datasetDegenerate);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with single interior point data fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2, 5)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with two interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7)) dataset <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset); ## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with included ROC data (some bins have zero counts) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(dataset02, 2, 1);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with TONY data for which chisqr can be calculated ds <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) retFit <- FitCbmRoc(ds, 2, 3);## print(retFit$fittedPlot) retFit$ChisqrFitStats
Fit the Correlated Contaminated Binormal Model (CORCBM) to a paired ROC dataset. The ROC dataset has to be formatted as a single modality, two-reader dataset, even though the actual pairing may be different, see details.
dataset |
A paired ROC dataset |
The conditions (X, Y) can be two readers interpreting images in the same
modality, the same reader interpreting images in different treatments, or
different readers interpreting images in 2 different treatments. Function
can be used to construct a dataset suitable for
. With reference to the returned values, and assuming R bins
in condition X and L bins in conditon Y,
is the R x L matrix containing the counts for non-diseased cases,
is the R x L matrix containing the counts for diseased cases;
the CORCBM parameters; aucX
are the AUCs in the two conditions;
are the corresponding standard errors;stdErr
contains the standard errors of the parameters of the model; areaStat
are the area-statistic, the p-value and the covariance
matrix of the parameters. If a parameter approaches a limit, e.g., rhoNor
= 0.9999, it is held constant at near the limiting value and the covariance matrix
has one less dimension (along each edge) for each parameter that is held constant.
The indices of the parameters held fixed are in fitCorCbmRet$fixParam
A list containing three objects:
fitCorCbmRet |
list( |
stats |
list( |
fittedPlot |
The fitted plot with operating points, error bars, for both conditions |
Zhai X, Chakraborty DP (2017) A bivariate contaminated binormal model for robust fitting of proper ROC curves to a pair of correlated, possibly degenerate, ROC datasets. Medical Physics. 44(6):2207–2222.
Fit an RSM-predicted ROC curve to a binned single-modality single-reader ROC dataset
FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr, trt = 1, rdr = 1)
FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr, trt = 1, rdr = 1)
binnedRocData |
A binned ROC dataset |
lesDistr |
The lesion distribution 1D array. |
trt |
The selected modality, default is 1 |
rdr |
The selected reader, default is 1 |
If dataset is FROC, first convert it to ROC, using DfFroc2Roc
MLE ROC algorithms
require binned datasets. Use DfBinDataset
to perform the
binning prior to calling
this function.
In the RSM: (1) The (random) number of latent NLs per case is Poisson distributed
with mean parameter lambda, and the corresponding ratings are sampled from
. The (2) The (random) number of latent LLs per diseased case is
binomial distributed with success probability nu and trial size equal to
the number of lesions in the case, and the corresponding ratings are sampled from
,1). (3) A latent NL or LL is actually marked if its rating exceeds
the lowest threshold zeta1. To avoid clutter error bars are only shown for the
lowest and uppermost operating points. Because of the extra parameter, and the
requirement to have five counts, the chi-square statistic often cannot be calculated.
A list with the following elements
mu |
The mean of the diseased distribution relative to the non-diseased one |
lambda |
The Poisson parameter describing the distribution of latent NLs per case |
nu |
The binomial success probability describing the distribution of latent LLs per diseased case |
zetas |
The RSM cutoffs, zetas or thresholds |
The RSM fitted ROC-AUC |
StdAUC |
The standard deviation of AUC |
NLLIni |
The initial value of negative LL |
NLLFin |
The final value of negative LL |
ChisqrFitStats |
The chisquare goodness of fit results |
covMat |
The covariance matrix of the parameters |
fittedPlot |
A ggplot2 object containing the fitted
operating characteristic along with the empirical operating points.
Use |
Chakraborty DP (2006) A search model and figure of merit for observer data acquired according to the free-response paradigm. Phys Med Biol 51, 3449-3462.
Chakraborty DP (2006) ROC Curves predicted by a model of visual search. Phys Med Biol 51, 3463–3482.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
## Test with included ROC data (some bins have zero counts) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(dataset02)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(dataset02, lesDistr) ## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with included degenerate ROC data lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(datasetDegenerate)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(datasetDegenerate, lesDistr) ## Test with single interior point data fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2, 5)) binnedRocData <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(binnedRocData)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr) ## Test with two interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7)) binnedRocData <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(binnedRocData)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr) ## Test with three interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,12), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3), rep(4, 5)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7), rep(4, 10)) binnedRocData <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(binnedRocData)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr) ## test for TONY data, i = 2 and j = 3 ## only case permitting chisqure calculation lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(dataset01)$Freq rocData <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) retFit <- FitRsmRoc(rocData, lesDistr, trt = 2, rdr = 3) ## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## retFit$ChisqrFitStats
## Test with included ROC data (some bins have zero counts) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(dataset02)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(dataset02, lesDistr) ## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## Test with included degenerate ROC data lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(datasetDegenerate)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(datasetDegenerate, lesDistr) ## Test with single interior point data fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2, 5)) binnedRocData <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(binnedRocData)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr) ## Test with two interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,7), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7)) binnedRocData <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(binnedRocData)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr) ## Test with three interior data points fp <- c(rep(1,12), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 3), rep(4, 5)) tp <- c(rep(1,3), rep(2, 5), rep(3, 7), rep(4, 10)) binnedRocData <- Df2RJafrocDataset(fp, tp) lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(binnedRocData)$Freq retFit <- FitRsmRoc(binnedRocData, lesDistr) ## test for TONY data, i = 2 and j = 3 ## only case permitting chisqure calculation lesDistr <- UtilLesDistr(dataset01)$Freq rocData <- DfFroc2Roc(dataset01) retFit <- FitRsmRoc(rocData, lesDistr, trt = 2, rdr = 3) ## print(retFit$fittedPlot) ## retFit$ChisqrFitStats
Determine if a dataset is binned
isBinnedDataset(dataset, maxUniqeRatings = 6)
isBinnedDataset(dataset, maxUniqeRatings = 6)
dataset |
The dataset |
maxUniqeRatings |
For each modality-reader combination, the max number
of unique ratings in order to be classified as binned, the default value
for |
a logical [I x J]
array, TRUE if the corresponding
modality-reader combination is binned, i.e., has at most
unique ratings, FALSE otherwise.
Checks the validity of a specified dataset for FOM and other input parameters.
isValidDataset( dataset, FOM, method = "OR", covEstMethod = "jackknife", analysisOption = "RRRC" )
isValidDataset( dataset, FOM, method = "OR", covEstMethod = "jackknife", analysisOption = "RRRC" )
dataset |
The dataset object to be checked. |
The figure of merit. |
method |
The analysis method "OR" (default) or "DBM". |
covEstMethod |
The covariance estimation method "jackknife" (default), "bootstrap" or "DeLong" (for an ROC dataset). |
analysisOption |
Specification of the random factor(s): "RRRC" (default), "RRFC", or "FRRC. |
Plot the binormal-predicted ROC curve with provided parameters
PlotBinormalFit(a, b)
PlotBinormalFit(a, b)
a |
vector: the mean(s) of the diseased distribution(s). |
b |
vector: the standard deviations(s) of the diseased distribution(s). |
and b
must have the same length. The predicted ROC curve
for each a
and b
pair will be plotted.
A ggplot2 object of the plotted ROC curve(s) are returned.
Use print
function to display the saved object.
binormalPlot <- PlotBinormalFit(c(1, 2), c(0.5, 0.5)) ## print(binormalPlot)
binormalPlot <- PlotBinormalFit(c(1, 2), c(0.5, 0.5)) ## print(binormalPlot)
Plot the CBM-predicted ROC curve with provided CBM parameters
PlotCbmFit(mu, alpha)
PlotCbmFit(mu, alpha)
mu |
vector: the mean(s) of the z-samples of the diseased distribution(s) where the disease is visible |
alpha |
vector: the proportion(s) of the diseased distribution(s) where the disease is visible |
and alpha
must have equal length.
The predicted ROC curve for each mu
and alpha
pair will be plotted.
A ggplot2 object of the plotted ROC curve(s)
Dorfman DD, Berbaum KS (2000) A contaminated binormal model for ROC data: Part II. A formal model, Acad Radiol 7, 427–437.
cbmPlot <- PlotCbmFit(c(1, 2), c(0.5, 0.5)) ## print(cbmPlot)
cbmPlot <- PlotCbmFit(c(1, 2), c(0.5, 0.5)) ## print(cbmPlot)
Plot empirical operating characteristics (operating points connected by straight lines) for specified modalities and readers, or, if desired, plots (no operating points) averaged over specified modalities and / or readers.
PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics( dataset, trts = 1, rdrs = 1, opChType, legend.position = c(0.8, 0.3), maxDiscrete = 10 )
PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics( dataset, trts = 1, rdrs = 1, opChType, legend.position = c(0.8, 0.3), maxDiscrete = 10 )
dataset |
Dataset object. |
trts |
List or vector: integer indices of modalities to be plotted. Default is 1. |
rdrs |
List or vector: integer indices of readers to be plotted. Default is 1. |
opChType |
Type of operating characteristic to be plotted: |
legend.position |
Where to position the legend. The default is c(0.8, 0.2), i.e., 0.8 rightward and 0.2 upward (the plot is a unit square). |
maxDiscrete |
maximum number of op. points in order to be considered discrete and to be displayed by symbols and connecting lines; any more points will be regarded as continuous and only connected by lines; default is 10. |
The trts
and rdrs
are vectors or lists of
integer indices, not the corresponding string IDs. For
example, if the string ID of the first reader is "0", the value in
should be 1 not 0. The legend will display
the string IDs.
If both of trts
and rdrs
are vectors, all combinations of
modalities and readers are plotted. See Example 1.
If both trts
and rdrs
are lists
, they must have the
same length. Only the combination of modality and reader at the same
position in their respective lists are plotted. If some elements of the
modalities and / or readers lists are vectors, the average operating
characteristic over the implied modalities and / or readers are plotted.
See Example 2.
datasets, opChType
can be "ROC" or "LROC".
A ggplot2 object containing the operating characteristic plot(s) and a data frame containing the points defining the operating characteristics.
Plot |
ggplot2 object. For continuous or averaged data, operating characteristics curves are plotted without showing operating points. For binned (individual) data, both operating points and connecting lines are shown. To avoid clutter, if there are more than 20 operating points, they are not shown. |
Points |
Data frame with four columns: abscissa, ordinate,
## Example 1 ## Plot individual empirical ROC plots for all combinations of modalities ## 1 and 2 and readers 1, 2 and 3. Six operating characteristics are plotted. ret <- PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset02, trts = c(1:2), rdrs = c(1:3), opChType = "ROC") ## print(ret$Plot) ## Example 2 ## Empirical wAFROC plots, consisting of ## three sub-plots: ## (1) sub-plot, red, with operating points, for the 1st modality (string ID "1") and the 2nd ## reader (string ID "3"), labeled "M:1 R:3" ## (2) sub-plot, green, no operating points, for the 2nd modality (string ID "2") AVERAGED ## over the 2nd and 3rd readers (string IDs "3" and "4"), labeled "M:2 R: 3 4" ## (3) sub-plot, blue, no operating points, AVERAGED over the first two modalities ## (string IDs "1" and "2") AND over the 1st, 2nd and 3rd readers ## (string IDs "1", "3" and "4"), labeled "M: 1 2 R: 1 3 4" plotT <- list(1, 2, c(1:2)) plotR <- list(2, c(2:3), c(1:3)) ret <- PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset04, trts = plotT, rdrs = plotR, opChType = "wAFROC") ## print(ret$Plot) ## Example 3 ## Correspondences between indices and string identifiers for modalities and ## readers in this dataset (apparently reader "2" did not complete the study). ## names(dataset04$descriptions$readerID) ## [1] "1" "3" "4" "5"
## Example 1 ## Plot individual empirical ROC plots for all combinations of modalities ## 1 and 2 and readers 1, 2 and 3. Six operating characteristics are plotted. ret <- PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset02, trts = c(1:2), rdrs = c(1:3), opChType = "ROC") ## print(ret$Plot) ## Example 2 ## Empirical wAFROC plots, consisting of ## three sub-plots: ## (1) sub-plot, red, with operating points, for the 1st modality (string ID "1") and the 2nd ## reader (string ID "3"), labeled "M:1 R:3" ## (2) sub-plot, green, no operating points, for the 2nd modality (string ID "2") AVERAGED ## over the 2nd and 3rd readers (string IDs "3" and "4"), labeled "M:2 R: 3 4" ## (3) sub-plot, blue, no operating points, AVERAGED over the first two modalities ## (string IDs "1" and "2") AND over the 1st, 2nd and 3rd readers ## (string IDs "1", "3" and "4"), labeled "M: 1 2 R: 1 3 4" plotT <- list(1, 2, c(1:2)) plotR <- list(2, c(2:3), c(1:3)) ret <- PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(dataset = dataset04, trts = plotT, rdrs = plotR, opChType = "wAFROC") ## print(ret$Plot) ## Example 3 ## Correspondences between indices and string identifiers for modalities and ## readers in this dataset (apparently reader "2" did not complete the study). ## names(dataset04$descriptions$readerID) ## [1] "1" "3" "4" "5"
Visualize RSM predicted ROC, AFROC, wAFROC and FROC curves, and ROC pdfs, given equal-length arrays of search model parameters: mu, lambda, nu and zeta1.
PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics( mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, lesDistr = 1, relWeights = 0, OpChType = "ALL", legendPosition = "bottom", legendDirection = "horizontal", legendJustification = c(0, 1), nlfRange = NULL, llfRange = NULL, nlfAlpha = NULL )
PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics( mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, lesDistr = 1, relWeights = 0, OpChType = "ALL", legendPosition = "bottom", legendDirection = "horizontal", legendJustification = c(0, 1), nlfRange = NULL, llfRange = NULL, nlfAlpha = NULL )
mu |
Array: the RSM mu parameter. |
lambda |
Array: the RSM lambda parameter. |
nu |
Array: the RSM nu parameter. |
zeta1 |
Array, the lowest reporting threshold; if missing the default is an array of -Inf. |
lesDistr |
Array: the probability mass function of the lesion distribution for diseased cases. The default is 1. See UtilLesDistr. |
relWeights |
The relative weights of the lesions; a vector of length
equal to |
OpChType |
The type of operating characteristic desired: can be
" |
legendPosition |
The positioning of the legend: " |
legendDirection |
Allows control on the direction of the legend;
legendJustification |
Where to position the legend, default is bottom right corner c(0,1) |
nlfRange |
This applies to FROC plot only. The x-axis range,
e.g., c(0,2), for FROC plot. Default is " |
llfRange |
This applies to FROC plot only. The y-axis range,
e.g., c(0,1), for FROC plot. Default is " |
nlfAlpha |
Upper limit of the integrated area under the FROC plot.
Default is " |
RSM is the Radiological Search Model described in the book. This
function is vectorized with respect to the first 4 arguments. For
the sum must be one. To indicate that all dis. cases
contain 4 lesions, set lesDistr = c(0,0,0,1).
A list containing five ggplot2 objects (ROCPlot, AFROCPlot wAFROCPlot, FROCPlot and PDFPlot) and two area measures (each of which can have up to two elements), the area under the search model predicted ROC curves in up to two treatments, the area under the search model predicted AFROC curves in up to two treatments, the area under the search model predicted wAFROC curves in up to two treatments, the area under the search model predicted FROC curves in up to two treatments.
The predicted ROC plots
The predicted AFROC plots
The predicted wAFROC plots
The predicted FROC plots
The predicted ROC pdf plots, highest rating generated
The predicted ROC AUCs, highest rating generated
The predicted AFROC AUCs
The predicted wAFROC AUCs
The predicted FROC AUCs
Chakraborty DP (2006) A search model and figure of merit for observer data acquired according to the free-response paradigm, Phys Med Biol 51, 3449-3462.
Chakraborty DP (2006) ROC Curves predicted by a model of visual search, Phys Med Biol 51, 3463–3482.
Chakraborty, DP, Yoon, HJ (2008) Operating characteristics predicted by models for diagnostic tasks involving lesion localization, Med Phys, 35:2, 435.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL). https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
## Following example is for mu = 2, lambda = 1, nu = 0.6, in one modality and ## mu = 3, lambda = 1.5, nu = 0.8, in the other modality. 20% of the diseased ## cases have a single lesion, 40% have two lesions, 10% have 3 lesions, ## and 30% have 4 lesions. res <- PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics(mu = c(2, 3), lambda = c(1, 1.5), nu = c(0.6, 0.8), lesDistr = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3), legendPosition = "bottom")
## Following example is for mu = 2, lambda = 1, nu = 0.6, in one modality and ## mu = 3, lambda = 1.5, nu = 0.8, in the other modality. 20% of the diseased ## cases have a single lesion, 40% have two lesions, 10% have 3 lesions, ## and 30% have 4 lesions. res <- PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics(mu = c(2, 3), lambda = c(1, 1.5), nu = c(0.6, 0.8), lesDistr = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3), legendPosition = "bottom")
RSM predicted ROC-abscissa as function of z
RSM_FPF(z, lambda)
RSM_FPF(z, lambda)
z |
The z-vector at which to evaluate the ROC-abscissa. |
lambda |
The scalar RSM lambda parameter. |
FPF, the abscissa of the ROC
RSM predicted FROC ordinate
RSM_LLF(z, mu, nu)
RSM_LLF(z, mu, nu)
z |
The z-vector value at which to evaluate the FROC ordinate. |
mu |
The scalar RSM mu parameter. |
nu |
The scalar RSM nu prime parameter. |
LLF, the ordinate of the FROC curve
RSM predicted FROC abscissa
RSM_NLF(z, lambda)
RSM_NLF(z, lambda)
z |
The z-vector at which to evaluate the FROC abscissa. |
lambda |
The scalar RSM lambda parameter. |
NLF, the abscissa of the FROC curve
RSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for diseased cases
RSM_pdfD(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr)
RSM_pdfD(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr)
z |
The z-vector at which to evaluate the pdf. |
mu |
The scalar RSM mu parameter. |
lambda |
The scalar RSM lambda parameter. |
nu |
The scalar RSM nu parameter. |
lesDistr |
The lesion distribution 1D vector. |
pdf, density function for diseased cases
RSM_pdfD(c(1,2),1,1,0.9, c(0.5, 0.5)) RSM_pdfD(c(1,2),1,1,0.5, c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5))
RSM_pdfD(c(1,2),1,1,0.9, c(0.5, 0.5)) RSM_pdfD(c(1,2),1,1,0.5, c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5))
RSM predicted ROC-rating pdf for non-diseased cases
RSM_pdfN(z, lambda)
RSM_pdfN(z, lambda)
z |
The z-vector at which to evaluate the pdf. |
lambda |
The scalar RSM lambda parameter. |
pdf, density function for non-diseased cases
RSM predicted ROC-ordinate as function of z
RSM_TPF(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr)
RSM_TPF(z, mu, lambda, nu, lesDistr)
z |
The z-vector at which to evaluate the pdf. |
mu |
The scalar RSM mu parameter. |
lambda |
The scalar RSM lambda parameter. |
nu |
The scalar nu parameter. |
lesDistr |
The lesion distribution 1D vector. |
TPF, the ordinate of the ROC
lesDistr <- c(0.1,0.3,0.6) RSM_TPF(c(-Inf,0.1,0.2,0.3), 1, 1, 0.9, lesDistr)
lesDistr <- c(0.1,0.3,0.6) RSM_TPF(c(-Inf,0.1,0.2,0.3), 1, 1, 0.9, lesDistr)
RSM predicted wAFROC ordinate, cpp code
RSM_wLLF(zeta, mu, nu, lesDistr, relWeights)
RSM_wLLF(zeta, mu, nu, lesDistr, relWeights)
zeta |
The zeta-vector at which to evaluate the FROC ordinate. |
mu |
The scalar RSM mu parameter. |
nu |
The scalar RSM nu prime parameter. |
lesDistr |
Lesion distribution vector. |
relWeights |
The lesion weights matrix |
wLLF, the ordinate of the wAFROC curve
RSM_wLLF(1, 1, 0.9, lesDistr = c(0.5, 0.4, 0.1), relWeights = c(0.7, 0.2, 0.1)) ## 0.34174
RSM_wLLF(1, 1, 0.9, lesDistr = c(0.5, 0.4, 0.1), relWeights = c(0.7, 0.2, 0.1)) ## 0.34174
Simulates single modality 2-reader binned ROC dataset, simulated according to the CORCBM model,
for the purpose of testing the fitting program FitCorCbm
SimulateCorCbmDataset( seed = 123, K1 = 50, K2 = 50, desiredNumBins = 5, muX = 1.5, muY = 3, alphaX = 0.4, alphaY = 0.7, rhoNor = 0.3, rhoAbn2 = 0.8 )
SimulateCorCbmDataset( seed = 123, K1 = 50, K2 = 50, desiredNumBins = 5, muX = 1.5, muY = 3, alphaX = 0.4, alphaY = 0.7, rhoNor = 0.3, rhoAbn2 = 0.8 )
seed |
The seed variable, default is 123; set to NULL for truly random seed |
K1 |
The number of non-diseased cases, default is 50 |
K2 |
The number of diseased cases, default is 50 |
desiredNumBins |
The desired number of bins; default is 5 |
muX |
The CBM mu parameter in condition X |
muY |
The CBM mu parameter in condition Y |
alphaX |
The CBM alpha parameter in condition X |
alphaY |
The CBM alpha parameter in condition Y |
rhoNor |
The correlation of non-diseased case z-samples |
rhoAbn2 |
The correlation of diseased case z-samples, when disease is visible in both conditions |
X and Y refer to the two arms of the pairing. muX
and alphaX
refer to the univariate CBM parameters
in condition X, rhoNor
is the correlation of ratings of non-diseased cases and rhoAbn2
is the correlation of ratings of
diseased cases when disease is visible in both conditions. The ROC data is bined to 5 bins in each condition.
See referenced publication.
The desired dataset suitable for testing FitCorCbm
Zhai X, Chakraborty DP (2017) A bivariate contaminated binormal model for robust fitting of proper ROC curves to a pair of correlated, possibly degenerate, ROC datasets. Medical Physics. 44(6):2207–2222.
dataset <- SimulateCorCbmDataset() ## this takes very long ## dataset <- SimulateCorCbmDataset(K1 = 5000, K2 = 5000)
dataset <- SimulateCorCbmDataset() ## this takes very long ## dataset <- SimulateCorCbmDataset(K1 = 5000, K2 = 5000)
Simulates an uncorrelated MRMC FROC dataset for specified numbers of readers and treatments
SimulateFrocDataset( mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, I, J, K1, K2, perCase, seed = NULL, deltaMu = 0 )
SimulateFrocDataset( mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, I, J, K1, K2, perCase, seed = NULL, deltaMu = 0 )
mu |
mu parameter of the RSM |
lambda |
RSM lambda parameter |
nu |
RSM nu parameter |
zeta1 |
Lowest reporting threshold |
I |
Number of treatments, default is 1 |
J |
Number of readers |
K1 |
Number of non-diseased cases |
K2 |
Number of diseased cases |
perCase |
A K2 length array containing the numbers of lesions per diseased case |
seed |
Initial seed for random number generator, default
deltaMu |
Inter-modality increment in mu, default zero |
See book chapters on the Radiological Search Model (RSM) for details. In this code correlations between ratings on the same case are assumed to be zero.
An FROC dataset.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
set.seed(1) K1 <- 5;K2 <- 7; maxLL <- 2;perCase <- floor(runif(K2, 1, maxLL + 1)) mu <- 1;lambda <- 1;nu <- 0.99 ;zeta1 <- -1 I <- 2; J <- 5 frocDataRaw <- SimulateFrocDataset( mu = mu, lambda = lambda, nu = nu, zeta1 = zeta1, I = I, J = J, K1 = K1, K2 = K2, perCase = perCase ) ## plot the data ret <- PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(frocDataRaw, opChType = "FROC") ## print(ret$Plot)
set.seed(1) K1 <- 5;K2 <- 7; maxLL <- 2;perCase <- floor(runif(K2, 1, maxLL + 1)) mu <- 1;lambda <- 1;nu <- 0.99 ;zeta1 <- -1 I <- 2; J <- 5 frocDataRaw <- SimulateFrocDataset( mu = mu, lambda = lambda, nu = nu, zeta1 = zeta1, I = I, J = J, K1 = K1, K2 = K2, perCase = perCase ) ## plot the data ret <- PlotEmpiricalOperatingCharacteristics(frocDataRaw, opChType = "FROC") ## print(ret$Plot)
Simulates a multiple-modality multiple-reader "AUC-equivalent" FROC dataset from a supplied LROC dataset, e.g., datasetCadLroc.
dataset |
The LROC dataset to be converted to FROC. |
The LROC paradigm always yields a single mark per case. Therefore the equivalent FROC will also have only one mark per case. The NL arrays of the two datasets are identical. The LL array is created by copying the LLCl array of the LROC dataset to the LL array of the FROC dataset, from diseased case index k2 = 1 to k2 = K2. Additionally, the LLIl array of the LROC dataset is copied to the NL array of the FROC dataset, starting at case index k1 = K1+1 to k1 = K1+K2. Any zero ratings are replace by -Infs. The equivalent FROC dataset has the same HrAuc as the original LROC dataset. See example. The main use of this function is to test the CAD significance testing functions using CAD FROC datasets, which I currently don't have.
The AUC-equivalent FROC dataset
frocDataset <- SimulateFrocFromLrocDataset(datasetCadLroc) lrocAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetCadLroc, FOM = "Wilcoxon") frocHrAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(frocDataset, FOM = "HrAuc") testthat::expect_equal(lrocAuc, frocHrAuc)
frocDataset <- SimulateFrocFromLrocDataset(datasetCadLroc) lrocAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetCadLroc, FOM = "Wilcoxon") frocHrAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(frocDataset, FOM = "HrAuc") testthat::expect_equal(lrocAuc, frocHrAuc)
Simulates an uncorrelated LROC dataset for specified numbers of readers and treatments
SimulateLrocDataset(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, I, J, K1, K2, lesionVector)
SimulateLrocDataset(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, I, J, K1, K2, lesionVector)
mu |
The mu parameter of the RSM |
lambda |
The RSM lambda parameter |
nu |
The RSM nu parameter |
zeta1 |
The lowest reporting threshold |
I |
The number of treatments |
J |
The number of readers |
K1 |
The number of non-diseased cases |
K2 |
The number of diseased cases |
lesionVector |
A K2 length array containing the numbers of lesions per diseased case |
See book chapters on the Radiological Search Model (RSM) for details. The approach is to first simulate an FROC dataset and then convert it to an Lroc dataset. The correlations between FROC ratings on the same case are assumed to be zero.
An LROC dataset.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
set.seed(1) K1 <- 5; K2 <- 5; mu <- 2; lambda <- 1; lesionVector <- rep(1, 5); nu <- 0.8; zeta1 <- -3 frocData <- SimulateFrocDataset(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, I = 2, J = 5, K1, K2, lesionVector) lrocData <- DfFroc2Lroc(frocData)
set.seed(1) K1 <- 5; K2 <- 5; mu <- 2; lambda <- 1; lesionVector <- rep(1, 5); nu <- 0.8; zeta1 <- -3 frocData <- SimulateFrocDataset(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1, I = 2, J = 5, K1, K2, lesionVector) lrocData <- DfFroc2Lroc(frocData)
Simulates an uncorrelated binormal model ROC factorial dataset
SimulateRocDataset(I = 1, J = 1, K1, K2, a, deltaA = 0, b, seed = NULL)
SimulateRocDataset(I = 1, J = 1, K1, K2, a, deltaA = 0, b, seed = NULL)
I |
Number of modalities, default 1 |
J |
The number of readers, default 1 |
K1 |
Number of non-diseased cases |
K2 |
Number of diseased cases |
a |
deltaA |
Inter-modality increment in the |
b |
seed |
Initial seed, default is NULL, for random seed |
See book Chapter 6 for details
An ROC dataset
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
K1 <- 5;K2 <- 7;a <- 1.5;b <- 0.5 rocDataRaw <- SimulateRocDataset(K1 = K1, K2 = K2, a = a, b = b)
K1 <- 5;K2 <- 7;a <- 1.5;b <- 0.5 rocDataRaw <- SimulateRocDataset(K1 = K1, K2 = K2, a = a, b = b)
Construct RSM NH model for FROC sample size estimation
SsFrocNhRsmModel(dataset, lesDistr)
SsFrocNhRsmModel(dataset, lesDistr)
dataset |
The pilot dataset. |
lesDistr |
A 1D array containing the probability mass function of number of lesions per diseased case in the pivotal FROC study. |
A list containing:
The RSM mu parameter of the NH model.
The RSM lambda parameter of the NH model.
The RSM nu parameter of the NH model.
, the factor by which the ROC effect size
must by multiplied to get the wAFROC effect size.
The squared correlation of the wAFROC-AUC to ROC-AUC fit.
RSM fitted model for FROC sample size
SsFrocSampleSize(dataset, effectSizeROC, JPivot, KPivot, lesDistr)
SsFrocSampleSize(dataset, effectSizeROC, JPivot, KPivot, lesDistr)
dataset |
The pilot dataset. |
effectSizeROC |
The effect size in ROC-AUC units |
JPivot |
The number of readers in the pivotal study |
KPivot |
The number of cases in the pivotal study |
lesDistr |
A 1D array containing the probability mass function of number of lesions per diseased case in the pivotal FROC study. |
See https://dpc10ster.github.io/RJafrocQuickStart/froc-sample-size.html for explanation of the FROC sample size estimation procedure.
A list containing:
, the specified ROC effect size.
, the factor by which the ROC effect size
must by multiplied to get the wAFROC effect size.
, the ROC power.
, the wAFROC power.
## Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s ## user system elapsed ## SsFrocSampleSize 8.102 0.023 8.135 ## SsFrocSampleSize(DfExtractDataset(dataset04, trts = c(1,2)), ## effectSizeROC = 0.03, JPivot = 5, KPivot = 100, lesDistr = c(0.69, 0.2, 0.11))
## Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s ## user system elapsed ## SsFrocSampleSize 8.102 0.023 8.135 ## SsFrocSampleSize(DfExtractDataset(dataset04, trts = c(1,2)), ## effectSizeROC = 0.03, JPivot = 5, KPivot = 100, lesDistr = c(0.69, 0.2, 0.11))
Calculate the statistical power for specified numbers of readers J, cases K, analysis method and DBM or OR variances components
SsPowerGivenJK( dataset, ..., FOM, J, K, effectSize = NULL, method = "OR", covEstMethod = "jackknife", analysisOption = "RRRC", UseDBMHB2004 = FALSE, alpha = 0.05 )
SsPowerGivenJK( dataset, ..., FOM, J, K, effectSize = NULL, method = "OR", covEstMethod = "jackknife", analysisOption = "RRRC", UseDBMHB2004 = FALSE, alpha = 0.05 )
dataset |
The pilot dataset. If set to NULL then variance components must be supplied. |
... |
Optional variance components: needed if |
The figure of merit. |
J |
The number of readers in the pivotal study. |
K |
The number of cases in the pivotal study. |
effectSize |
The effect size to be used in the pivotal study. Default is NULL, which uses the observed effect size in the pilot dataset. Must be supplied if dataset is set to NULL and variance components are supplied. |
method |
"OR" (the default) or "DBM" (but see |
covEstMethod |
Specify the variance covariance estimation method(s): "jackknife" (the default), "bootstrap" or "DeLong" (for ROC datasets). |
analysisOption |
Specify the random factor(s): "RRRC" (the default), "RRFC or FRRC". |
UseDBMHB2004 |
Logical, defaults to |
alpha |
The significance level, default is 0.05. |
The default effectSize
uses the observed effect size in the
pilot study. A numeric value over-rides the default value. This argument
must be supplied if dataset = NULL and variance compenents
(the ... arguments) are supplied.
The expected statistical power in pivotal study for the given conditions and J and K.
The procedure is valid for ROC studies only; for FROC studies see Vignettes 19.
Hillis SL, Berbaum KS (2004). Power Estimation for the Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz Method. Acad Radiol, 11, 1260–1273.
Hillis SL, Obuchowski NA, Berbaum KS (2011). Power Estimation for Multireader ROC Methods: An Updated and Unified Approach. Acad Radiol, 18, 129–142.
Hillis SL, Schartz KM (2018). Multireader sample size program for diagnostic studies: demonstration and methodology. Journal of Medical Imaging, 5(04).
## EXAMPLE 1: RRRC power ## specify 2-modality ROC dataset and force DBM alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE) # RRRC is default ## EXAMPLE 1A: FRRC power res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, analysisOption = "FRRC") ## EXAMPLE 1B: RRFC power res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, analysisOption = "RRFC") ## EXAMPLE 2: specify NULL dataset & DBM var. comp. & force DBM-based alg. vcDBM <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, FOM = "Wilcoxon", J = 6, K = 251, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, list( VarTR = vcDBM["VarTR","Estimates"], # replace rhs with actual values as in 4A VarTC = vcDBM["VarTC","Estimates"], # do: VarErr = vcDBM["VarErr","Estimates"])) # do: ## EXAMPLE 3: specify 2-modality ROC dataset and use OR-based alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251) ## EXAMPLE 4: specify NULL dataset & OR var. comp. & use OR-based alg. JStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,,1,1]) KStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) vcOR <- UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, list(JStar = JStar, KStar = KStar, VarTR = vcOR["VarTR","Estimates"], # replace rhs with actual values as in 4A Cov1 = vcOR["Cov1","Estimates"], # do: Cov2 = vcOR["Cov2","Estimates"], # do: Cov3 = vcOR["Cov3","Estimates"], # do: Var = vcOR["Var","Estimates"])) ## EXAMPLE 4A: specify NULL dataset & OR var. comp. & use OR-based alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, list(JStar = 5, KStar = 114, VarTR = 0.00020040252, Cov1 = 0.00034661371, Cov2 = 0.00034407483, Cov3 = 0.00023902837, Var = 0.00080228827)) ## EXAMPLE 5: specify NULL dataset & DBM var. comp. & use OR-based alg. ## The DBM var. comp. are converted internally to OR var. comp. vcDBM <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom KStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, J = 6, K = 251, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", FOM = "Wilcoxon", list(KStar = KStar, # replace rhs with actual values as in 5A VarR = vcDBM["VarR","Estimates"], # do: VarC = vcDBM["VarC","Estimates"], # do: VarTR = vcDBM["VarTR","Estimates"], # do: VarTC = vcDBM["VarTC","Estimates"], # do: VarRC = vcDBM["VarRC","Estimates"], # do: VarErr = vcDBM["VarErr","Estimates"])) ## EXAMPLE 5A: specify NULL dataset & DBM var. comp. & use OR-based alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, J = 6, K = 251, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", FOM = "Wilcoxon", list(KStar = 114, VarR = 0.00153499935, VarC = 0.02724923428, VarTR = 0.00020040252, VarTC = 0.01197529621, VarRC = 0.01226472859, VarErr = 0.03997160319))
## EXAMPLE 1: RRRC power ## specify 2-modality ROC dataset and force DBM alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE) # RRRC is default ## EXAMPLE 1A: FRRC power res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, analysisOption = "FRRC") ## EXAMPLE 1B: RRFC power res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, analysisOption = "RRFC") ## EXAMPLE 2: specify NULL dataset & DBM var. comp. & force DBM-based alg. vcDBM <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, FOM = "Wilcoxon", J = 6, K = 251, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, list( VarTR = vcDBM["VarTR","Estimates"], # replace rhs with actual values as in 4A VarTC = vcDBM["VarTC","Estimates"], # do: VarErr = vcDBM["VarErr","Estimates"])) # do: ## EXAMPLE 3: specify 2-modality ROC dataset and use OR-based alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251) ## EXAMPLE 4: specify NULL dataset & OR var. comp. & use OR-based alg. JStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,,1,1]) KStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) vcOR <- UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, list(JStar = JStar, KStar = KStar, VarTR = vcOR["VarTR","Estimates"], # replace rhs with actual values as in 4A Cov1 = vcOR["Cov1","Estimates"], # do: Cov2 = vcOR["Cov2","Estimates"], # do: Cov3 = vcOR["Cov3","Estimates"], # do: Var = vcOR["Var","Estimates"])) ## EXAMPLE 4A: specify NULL dataset & OR var. comp. & use OR-based alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, K = 251, list(JStar = 5, KStar = 114, VarTR = 0.00020040252, Cov1 = 0.00034661371, Cov2 = 0.00034407483, Cov3 = 0.00023902837, Var = 0.00080228827)) ## EXAMPLE 5: specify NULL dataset & DBM var. comp. & use OR-based alg. ## The DBM var. comp. are converted internally to OR var. comp. vcDBM <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom KStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, J = 6, K = 251, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", FOM = "Wilcoxon", list(KStar = KStar, # replace rhs with actual values as in 5A VarR = vcDBM["VarR","Estimates"], # do: VarC = vcDBM["VarC","Estimates"], # do: VarTR = vcDBM["VarTR","Estimates"], # do: VarTC = vcDBM["VarTC","Estimates"], # do: VarRC = vcDBM["VarRC","Estimates"], # do: VarErr = vcDBM["VarErr","Estimates"])) ## EXAMPLE 5A: specify NULL dataset & DBM var. comp. & use OR-based alg. res <- SsPowerGivenJK(dataset = NULL, J = 6, K = 251, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", FOM = "Wilcoxon", list(KStar = 114, VarR = 0.00153499935, VarC = 0.02724923428, VarTR = 0.00020040252, VarTC = 0.01197529621, VarRC = 0.01226472859, VarErr = 0.03997160319))
Power given J, K and Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components
SsPowerGivenJKDbmVarCom( J, K, effectSize, VarTR, VarTC, VarErr, alpha = 0.05, analysisOption = "RRRC" )
SsPowerGivenJKDbmVarCom( J, K, effectSize, VarTR, VarTC, VarErr, alpha = 0.05, analysisOption = "RRRC" )
J |
The number of readers |
K |
The number of cases |
effectSize |
The effect size |
VarTR |
The modality-reader DBM variance component |
VarTC |
The modality-case DBM variance component |
VarErr |
The error-term DBM variance component |
alpha |
The size of the test (default = 0.05) |
analysisOption |
Specify the random factor(s): "RRRC", "FRRC", "RRFC" |
The variance components are obtained using St
with method = "DBM"
A list containing the estimated power and associated statistics for the specified random factor(s).
VarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM", analysisOption = "RRRC")$ANOVA$VarCom VarTR <- VarCom["VarTR",1] VarTC <- VarCom["VarTC",1] VarErr <- VarCom["VarErr",1] ret <- SsPowerGivenJKDbmVarCom (J = 5, K = 100, effectSize = 0.05, VarTR, VarTC, VarErr, analysisOption = "RRRC") ##cat("RRRC power = ", ret$powerRRRC)
VarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM", analysisOption = "RRRC")$ANOVA$VarCom VarTR <- VarCom["VarTR",1] VarTC <- VarCom["VarTC",1] VarErr <- VarCom["VarErr",1] ret <- SsPowerGivenJKDbmVarCom (J = 5, K = 100, effectSize = 0.05, VarTR, VarTC, VarErr, analysisOption = "RRRC") ##cat("RRRC power = ", ret$powerRRRC)
Power given J, K and Obuchowski-Rockette variance components
SsPowerGivenJKOrVarCom( J, K, KStar, effectSize, VarTR, Cov1, Cov2, Cov3, Var, alpha = 0.05, analysisOption = "RRRC" )
SsPowerGivenJKOrVarCom( J, K, KStar, effectSize, VarTR, Cov1, Cov2, Cov3, Var, alpha = 0.05, analysisOption = "RRRC" )
J |
The number of readers in the pivotal study |
K |
The number of cases in the pivotal study |
KStar |
The number of cases in the pilot study |
effectSize |
The effect size |
VarTR |
The modality-reader OR variance component |
Cov1 |
The OR Cov1 covariance |
Cov2 |
The OR Cov2 covariance |
Cov3 |
The OR Cov3 covariance |
Var |
The OR pure variance term |
alpha |
The size of the test (default = 0.05) |
analysisOption |
Specify the random factor(s): "RRRC", "FRRC", "RRFC" |
The variance components are obtained using St
with method = "OR"
A list containing the estimated power and associated statistics for the specified random factor(s).
dataset <- dataset02 ## the pilot study KStar <- length(dataset$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) VarCom <- St(dataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR", analysisOption = "RRRC")$ANOVA$VarCom VarTR <- VarCom["VarTR",1] Cov1 <- VarCom["Cov1",1] Cov2 <- VarCom["Cov2",1] Cov3 <- VarCom["Cov3",1] Var <- VarCom["Var",1] ret <- SsPowerGivenJKOrVarCom (J = 5, K = 100, KStar = KStar, effectSize = 0.05, VarTR, Cov1, Cov2, Cov3, Var, analysisOption = "RRRC") ##cat("RRRC power = ", ret$powerRRRC)
dataset <- dataset02 ## the pilot study KStar <- length(dataset$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) VarCom <- St(dataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR", analysisOption = "RRRC")$ANOVA$VarCom VarTR <- VarCom["VarTR",1] Cov1 <- VarCom["Cov1",1] Cov2 <- VarCom["Cov2",1] Cov3 <- VarCom["Cov3",1] Var <- VarCom["Var",1] ret <- SsPowerGivenJKOrVarCom (J = 5, K = 100, KStar = KStar, effectSize = 0.05, VarTR, Cov1, Cov2, Cov3, Var, analysisOption = "RRRC") ##cat("RRRC power = ", ret$powerRRRC)
Generate combinations of numbers of readers J and numbers of cases K for desired power and specified random factor(s)
SsPowerTable( dataset, FOM, effectSize = NULL, alpha = 0.05, desiredPower = 0.8, analysisOption = "RRRC" )
SsPowerTable( dataset, FOM, effectSize = NULL, alpha = 0.05, desiredPower = 0.8, analysisOption = "RRRC" )
dataset |
The pilot ROC dataset to be used to extrapolate to the pivotal study. |
The figure of merit. |
effectSize |
The effect size to be used in the pivotal study,
default value is |
alpha |
The The size of the test, default is 0.05. |
desiredPower |
The desired statistical power, default is 0.8. |
analysisOption |
Specification of random factor(s): "RRRC" (the default), "FRRC", or "RRFC". |
The default effectSize
uses the observed effect size in the
pilot study. A supplied numeric value over-rides the default value.
A list containing up to 3 (depending on analysisOption
data frames.
Each dataframe contains 3 arrays:
numReaders |
The numbers of readers in the pivotal study. |
numCases |
The numbers of cases in the pivotal study. |
power |
The estimated statistical powers. |
The procedure is valid for ROC studies only; for FROC studies see online books.
## Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s ## user system elapsed ## SsPowerTable 20.033 0.037 20.077 ## Example of sample size calculation with OR method ## SsPowerTable(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR")
## Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 5s ## user system elapsed ## SsPowerTable 20.033 0.037 20.077 ## Example of sample size calculation with OR method ## SsPowerTable(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR")
Number of cases to achieve the desired power, for specified number of readers J, and specified DBM or ORH analysis method
SsSampleSizeKGivenJ( dataset, ..., J, FOM, effectSize = NULL, method = "OR", alpha = 0.05, desiredPower = 0.8, analysisOption = "RRRC", UseDBMHB2004 = FALSE )
SsSampleSizeKGivenJ( dataset, ..., J, FOM, effectSize = NULL, method = "OR", alpha = 0.05, desiredPower = 0.8, analysisOption = "RRRC", UseDBMHB2004 = FALSE )
dataset |
The pilot dataset. If set to NULL then variance components must be supplied. |
... |
Optional variance components, VarTR, VarTC and VarErr. These are needed if dataset is not supplied. |
J |
The number of readers in the pivotal study. |
The figure of merit. Not needed if variance components are supplied. |
effectSize |
The effect size to be used in the pivotal study. Default is NULL. Must be supplied if dataset is set to NULL and variance components are supplied. |
method |
"OR" (default) or "DBM". |
alpha |
The significance level of the study, default is 0.05. |
desiredPower |
The desired statistical power, default is 0.8. |
analysisOption |
Specifies the random factor(s): "RRRC" (the default), "FRRC", or "RRFC". |
UseDBMHB2004 |
Logical, default is |
= NULL uses the observed effect size in
the pilot study. A numeric value over-rides the default value. This
argument must be supplied if dataset = NULL and variance components
(the optional ... arguments) are supplied.
A list of two elements:
K |
The minimum number of cases K in the pivotal study
to just achieve the desired statistical power, calculated
for each value of |
power |
The predicted statistical power. |
The procedure is valid for ROC studies only; for FROC studies see online books.
## the following two should give identical results SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, method = "DBM") a <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset = NULL, J = 6, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, list(VarTR = a["VarTR",1], VarTC = a["VarTC",1], VarErr = a["VarErr",1])) ## the following two should give identical results SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, method = "OR") a <- UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom KStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset = NULL, J = 6, effectSize = 0.05, method = "OR", list(KStar = KStar, VarTR = a["VarTR",1], Cov1 = a["Cov1",1], Cov2 = a["Cov2",1], Cov3 = a["Cov3",1], Var = a["Var",1])) for (J in 6:10) { ret <- SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", J = J, analysisOption = "RRRC") message("# of readers = ", J, " estimated # of cases = ", ret$K, ", predicted power = ", signif(ret$powerRRRC,3), "\n") }
## the following two should give identical results SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, method = "DBM") a <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset = NULL, J = 6, effectSize = 0.05, method = "DBM", UseDBMHB2004 = TRUE, list(VarTR = a["VarTR",1], VarTC = a["VarTC",1], VarErr = a["VarErr",1])) ## the following two should give identical results SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", effectSize = 0.05, J = 6, method = "OR") a <- UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")$VarCom KStar <- length(dataset02$ratings$NL[1,1,,1]) SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset = NULL, J = 6, effectSize = 0.05, method = "OR", list(KStar = KStar, VarTR = a["VarTR",1], Cov1 = a["Cov1",1], Cov2 = a["Cov2",1], Cov3 = a["Cov3",1], Var = a["Var",1])) for (J in 6:10) { ret <- SsSampleSizeKGivenJ(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", J = J, analysisOption = "RRRC") message("# of readers = ", J, " estimated # of cases = ", ret$K, ", predicted power = ", signif(ret$powerRRRC,3), "\n") }
Performs DBM or OR significance testing for the dataset.
St( dataset, FOM, method = "OR", covEstMethod = "jackknife", analysisOption = "RRRC", alpha = 0.05, FPFValue = 0.2, nBoots = 200, seed = NULL, details = 0 )
St( dataset, FOM, method = "OR", covEstMethod = "jackknife", analysisOption = "RRRC", alpha = 0.05, FPFValue = 0.2, nBoots = 200, seed = NULL, details = 0 )
dataset |
The dataset to be analyzed, see |
The figure of merit, see |
method |
The significance testing method to be used: |
covEstMethod |
The covariance matrix estimation method in
analysisOption |
Determines which factors are regarded as random and which are fixed:
alpha |
The significance level (alpha) of the test of the null hypothesis that all modality effects are zero (default: alpha = 0.05). |
FPFValue |
Only needed for |
nBoots |
The number of bootstraps (defaults to 200), only needed if
seed |
For bootstraps the seed of the RNG (default: seed = |
details |
Amount of explanations in output, default is 0 for no explanations and 1 for explanations. |
A list containing the results of the analysis.
= 0 should suffice for factorial dataset analysis since
the names of the output lists are self-explanatory. For cross-modality
analysis details
= 1 is suggested to better understand the output.
Dorfman DD, Berbaum KS, Metz CE (1992) ROC characteristic rating analysis: Generalization to the Population of Readers and Patients with the Jackknife method, Invest. Radiol. 27, 723-731.
Obuchowski NA, Rockette HE (1995) Hypothesis Testing of the Diagnostic Accuracy for Multiple Diagnostic Tests: An ANOVA Approach with Dependent Observations, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 24, 285-308.
Hillis SL (2014) A marginal-mean ANOVA approach for analyzing multireader multicase radiological imaging data, Statistics in medicine 33, 330-360.
Thompson JD, Chakraborty DP, Szczepura K, et al. (2016) Effect of reconstruction methods and x-ray tube current-time product on nodule detection in an anthropomorphic thorax phantom: a crossed-modality JAFROC observer study. Medical Physics. 43(3):1265-1274.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
result <- St(dataset02,FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM") result <- St(dataset02,FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR") result <- St(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC", method = "OR", analysisOption = "RRRC") result <- St(dataset05, FOM = "wAFROC") result <- St(dataset05, FOM = "HrAuc", method = "DBM")
result <- St(dataset02,FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM") result <- St(dataset02,FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR") result <- St(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC", method = "OR", analysisOption = "RRRC") result <- St(dataset05, FOM = "wAFROC") result <- St(dataset05, FOM = "HrAuc", method = "DBM")
Comparing standalone CAD vs. at least two radiologists interpreting the same cases; standalone CAD means that all the designer-level mark-rating pairs generated by the CAD algorithm are available to the analyst, not just the one or two marks per case displayed to the radiologist (the latter are marks whose ratings exceed a pre-selected threshold). At the very minimum, location-level information, such as in the LROC paradigm, should be used. Ideally, the FROC paradigm should be used. A severe statistical power penalty is paid if one uses the ROC paradigm. See Standalone CAD vs Radiologists chapter, available via download link at site https://github.com/dpc10ster/RJafrocBook/blob/gh-pages/RJafrocBook.pdf
StCadVsRad( dataset, FOM, FPFValue = 0.2, method = "1T-RRRC", alpha = 0.05, plots = FALSE )
StCadVsRad( dataset, FOM, FPFValue = 0.2, method = "1T-RRRC", alpha = 0.05, plots = FALSE )
dataset |
The dataset to be analyzed; must be single-modality at least three readers, where the first reader is CAD. |
The desired FOM; for ROC data it must be |
FPFValue |
Only needed for |
method |
The desired analysis: "1T-RRFC","1T-RRRC" (the default) or "2T-RRRC", see manuscript for details. |
alpha |
Significance level of the test, defaults to 0.05. |
plots |
Flag, default is FALSE, i.e., a plot is not displayed. If TRUE, it displays the appropriate operating characteristic for all readers and CAD. |
PCL is the probability of a correct localization.
The LROC is the plot of PCL (ordinate) vs. FPF.
For LROC data, FOM = "PCL" means the interpolated PCL value
at the specified FPFValue
For FOM = "ALROC" the trapezoidal area under the LROC
from FPF = 0 to FPF = FPFValue
is used.
If method = "1T-RRRC"
the first reader is assumed to be CAD.
If method = "2T-RRRC"
the first modality is assumed to be CAD.
The NH is that the FOM of CAD equals the average of the readers.
The method = "1T-RRRC"
analysis uses an adaptation of the
single-modality multiple-reader Obuchowski Rockette (OR) model described in a
paper by Hillis (2007), section 5.3. It is characterized by 3 parameters
, Var
and Cov2
, where the latter two are estimated
using the jackknife.
For method = "2T-RRRC"
the analysis replicates the CAD data as many times as
necessary so as to form one "modality" of an MRMC pairing, the other
"modality" being the radiologists. Then standard ORH analysis is applied. The
method is described in Kooi et al. It gives exactly the same final results
(F-statistic, ddf and p-value) as "1T-RRRC"
but the intermediate quantities
are meaningless.
If method = "1T-RRRC"
the return value is a
list with the following elements:
fomCAD |
The observed FOM for CAD. |
fomRAD |
The observed FOM array for the readers. |
avgRadFom |
The average FOM of the readers. |
avgDiffFom |
The mean of the difference FOM, RAD - CAD. |
ciAvgDiffFom |
The 95-percent CI of the average difference, RAD - CAD. |
varR |
The variance of the radiologists. |
varError |
The variance of the error term in the single-modality multiple-reader OR model. |
cov2 |
The covariance of the error term. |
tstat |
The observed value of the t-statistic; it's square is equivalent to an F-statistic. |
df |
The degrees of freedom of the t-statistic. |
pval |
The p-value for rejecting the NH. |
Plots |
If argument plots = TRUE, a ggplot object
containing empirical operating characteristics
corresponding to specified FOM. For example, if |
If method = "2T-RRRC"
the return value is a list
with the following elements:
fomCAD |
The observed FOM for CAD. |
fomRAD |
The observed FOM array for the readers. |
avgRadFom |
The average FOM of the readers. |
avgDiffFom |
The mean of the difference FOM, RAD - CAD. |
ciDiffFom |
A data frame containing the statistics associated with the average difference, RAD - CAD. |
ciAvgRdrEachTrt |
A data frame containing the statistics associated with the average FOM in each "modality". |
varR |
The variance of the pure reader term in the OR model. |
varTR |
The variance of the modality-reader term error term in the OR model. |
cov1 |
The covariance1 of the error term - same reader, different treatments. |
cov2 |
The covariance2 of the error term - different readers, same modality. |
cov3 |
The covariance3 of the error term - different readers, different treatments. |
varError |
The variance of the pure error term in the OR model. |
FStat |
The observed value of the F-statistic. |
ndf |
The numerator degrees of freedom of the F-statistic. |
df |
The denominator degrees of freedom of the F-statistic. |
pval |
The p-value for rejecting the NH. |
Plots |
see above. |
Hillis SL (2007) A comparison of denominator degrees of freedom methods for multiple observer ROC studies, Statistics in Medicine. 26:596-619.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
Hupse R, Samulski M, Lobbes M, et al (2013) Standalone computer-aided detection compared to radiologists performance for the detection of mammographic masses, Eur Radiol. 23(1):93-100.
Kooi T, Gubern-Merida A, et al. (2016) A comparison between a deep convolutional neural network and radiologists for classifying regions of interest in mammography. Paper presented at: International Workshop on Digital Mammography, Malmo, Sweden.
ret1M <- StCadVsRad (dataset09, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "1T-RRRC") StCadVsRad(datasetCadLroc, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "1T-RRFC") retLroc1M <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc, FOM = "PCL", method = "1T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05) ## test with fewer readers dataset09a <- DfExtractDataset(dataset09, rdrs = seq(1:7)) ret1M7 <- StCadVsRad (dataset09a, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "1T-RRRC") datasetCadLroc7 <- DfExtractDataset(datasetCadLroc, rdrs = seq(1:7)) ret1MLroc7 <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc7, FOM = "PCL", method = "1T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05) ## takes longer than 5 sec on OSX ## retLroc2M <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc, ## FOM = "PCL", method = "2T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05) ## ret2MLroc7 <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc7, ## FOM = "PCL", method = "2T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05)
ret1M <- StCadVsRad (dataset09, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "1T-RRRC") StCadVsRad(datasetCadLroc, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "1T-RRFC") retLroc1M <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc, FOM = "PCL", method = "1T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05) ## test with fewer readers dataset09a <- DfExtractDataset(dataset09, rdrs = seq(1:7)) ret1M7 <- StCadVsRad (dataset09a, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "1T-RRRC") datasetCadLroc7 <- DfExtractDataset(datasetCadLroc, rdrs = seq(1:7)) ret1MLroc7 <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc7, FOM = "PCL", method = "1T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05) ## takes longer than 5 sec on OSX ## retLroc2M <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc, ## FOM = "PCL", method = "2T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05) ## ret2MLroc7 <- StCadVsRad (datasetCadLroc7, ## FOM = "PCL", method = "2T-RRRC", FPFValue = 0.05)
Performs Obuchowski-Rockette (OR) significance testing for specified dataset.
StSP(dataset, FOM, alpha = 0.05, analysisOption = "RRRC")
StSP(dataset, FOM, alpha = 0.05, analysisOption = "RRRC")
dataset |
The dataset to be analyzed, see |
The figure of merit |
alpha |
The significance level of the test, default is 0.05 |
analysisOption |
Determines which factors are regarded as random vs. fixed:
Results of the analysis
fileName <- system.file("extdata", "/toyFiles/ROC/rocSpAZP.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) dsSpA <- DfReadSP(fileName) ret <- StSP(dsSpA, FOM = "Wilcoxon") ret <- StSP(datasetFROCSpC, FOM = "wAFROC")
fileName <- system.file("extdata", "/toyFiles/ROC/rocSpAZP.xlsx", package = "RJafroc", mustWork = TRUE) dsSpA <- DfReadSP(fileName) ret <- StSP(dsSpA, FOM = "Wilcoxon") ret <- StSP(datasetFROCSpC, FOM = "wAFROC")
Convert physical RSM parameters ' and
' to the
intrinsic RSM parameters
. The physical
parameters are more meaningful but they depend on
. The intrinsic
parameters are independent of
. See book for details.
Util2Intrinsic(mu, lambda, nu)
Util2Intrinsic(mu, lambda, nu)
mu |
The mean of the Gaussian distribution for the ratings of latent LLs,
i.e. continuous ratings of lesions that were found by the search mechanism
~ N( |
lambda |
The Poisson |
nu |
The |
RSM is the Radiological Search Model described in the book. A latent mark
becomes an actual mark if the corresponding rating exceeds the lowest reporting
threshold zeta1. See also Util2Physical
A list containing and
, the RSM search parameters
Chakraborty DP (2006) A search model and figure of merit for observer data acquired according to the free-response paradigm, Phys Med Biol 51, 3449-3462.
Chakraborty DP (2006) ROC Curves predicted by a model of visual search, Phys Med Biol 51, 3463–3482.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
mu <- 2;lambda <- 10;nu <- 0.9 lambda_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu, lambda, nu)$lambda_i nu_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu, lambda, nu)$nu_i ## note that the physical values are only constrained to be positive, e.g., nu_i is not constrained ## to be between 0 and one.
mu <- 2;lambda <- 10;nu <- 0.9 lambda_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu, lambda, nu)$lambda_i nu_i <- Util2Intrinsic(mu, lambda, nu)$nu_i ## note that the physical values are only constrained to be positive, e.g., nu_i is not constrained ## to be between 0 and one.
Convert intrinsic RSM parameters and
correspond to the physical RSM parameters
. The physical parameters are more meaningful but they
depend on
. The intrinsic parameters are independent of
. See book for details.
Util2Physical(mu, lambda_i, nu_i)
Util2Physical(mu, lambda_i, nu_i)
mu |
The mean of the Gaussian distribution for the ratings of latent
LLs, i.e. continuous ratings of lesions that were found by the search
mechanism ~ N( |
lambda_i |
The intrinsic Poisson lambda_i parameter. |
nu_i |
The intrinsic Binomial nu_i parameter. |
RSM is the Radiological Search Model described in the book.
See also Util2Intrinsic
A list containing and
Chakraborty DP (2006) A search model and figure of merit for observer data acquired according to the free-response paradigm, Phys Med Biol 51, 3449–3462.
Chakraborty DP (2006) ROC Curves predicted by a model of visual search, Phys Med Biol 51, 3463–3482.
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
mu <- 2;lambda_i <- 20;nu_i <- 1.1512925 lambda <- Util2Physical(mu, lambda_i, nu_i)$lambda nu <- Util2Physical(mu, lambda_i, nu_i)$nu ## note that only the physical values are only constrained to be positive ## the physical variable nu must obey 0 <= nu <= 1
mu <- 2;lambda_i <- 20;nu_i <- 1.1512925 lambda <- Util2Physical(mu, lambda_i, nu_i)$lambda nu <- Util2Physical(mu, lambda_i, nu_i)$nu ## note that only the physical values are only constrained to be positive ## the physical variable nu must obey 0 <= nu <= 1
Returns the ROC, AFROC and wAFROC AUCs corresponding to
specified RSM parameters. See also UtilAucPROPROC
and UtilAucCBM
UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1 = -Inf, lesDistr, relWeights = 0)
UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1 = -Inf, lesDistr, relWeights = 0)
mu |
The mean of the Gaussian distribution for the ratings of latent LLs (continuous ratings of lesions that are found by the search mechanism). The NLs are assumed to be distributed as N(0,1). |
lambda |
The RSM lambda parameter. |
nu |
The RSM nu parameters. |
zeta1 |
The lowest reporting threshold, the default is |
lesDistr |
The lesion distribution 1D array, i.e., the probability mass function (pmf) of the numbers of lesions for diseased cases. |
relWeights |
The relative weights of the lesions; a vector of
length |
The ROC, AFROC and wAFROC AUCs corresponding to the specified parameters
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
Chakraborty DP (2006) A search model and figure of merit for observer data acquired according to the free-response paradigm, Phys Med Biol 51, 3449-3462.
Chakraborty DP (2006) ROC Curves predicted by a model of visual search, Phys Med Biol 51, 3463–3482.
mu <- 1;lambda <- 1;nu <- 0.9 lesDistr <- c(0.9, 0.1) ## i.e., 90% of dis. cases have one lesion, and 10% have two lesions relWeights <- c(0.05, 0.95) ## i.e., lesion 1 has weight 5 percent while lesion two has weight 95 percent UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1 = -Inf, lesDistr) UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1 = -Inf, lesDistr, relWeights)
mu <- 1;lambda <- 1;nu <- 0.9 lesDistr <- c(0.9, 0.1) ## i.e., 90% of dis. cases have one lesion, and 10% have two lesions relWeights <- c(0.05, 0.95) ## i.e., lesion 1 has weight 5 percent while lesion two has weight 95 percent UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1 = -Inf, lesDistr) UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM(mu, lambda, nu, zeta1 = -Inf, lesDistr, relWeights)
Returns the Binormal model ROC-AUC corresponding to
specified parameters. See also UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM
and UtilAucCBM
UtilAucBIN(a, b)
UtilAucBIN(a, b)
a |
The |
b |
The |
Binormal model-predicted ROC-AUC
Dorfman DD, Alf E (1969) Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Parameters of Signal-Detection Theory and Determination of Confidence Intervals - Rating-Method Data, Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 6:487-496.
a <- 2;b <- 0.7 UtilAucBIN(a,b)
a <- 2;b <- 0.7 UtilAucBIN(a,b)
Returns the CBM ROC-AUC
See also UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM
and UtilAucBIN
UtilAucCBM(mu, alpha)
UtilAucCBM(mu, alpha)
mu |
The |
alpha |
The |
CBM-predicted ROC-AUC for the specified parameters
Dorfman DD, Berbaum KS (2000) A contaminated binormal model for ROC data: Part II. A formal model, Acad Radiol 7:6 427–437.
mu <- 2;alpha <- 0.8 UtilAucCBM(mu,alpha)
mu <- 2;alpha <- 0.8 UtilAucCBM(mu,alpha)
Returns the PROPROC ROC-AUC corresponding to specified
parameters. See also UtilAnalyticalAucsRSM
, UtilAucBIN
and UtilAucCBM
UtilAucPROPROC(c1, da)
UtilAucPROPROC(c1, da)
c1 |
The c-parameter of the PROPROC model, since c is a reserved function in R. |
da |
The da-parameter of the PROPROC model. |
PROPROC model-predicted ROC-AUC for the specified parameters
Metz CE, Pan X (1999) Proper Binormal ROC Curves: Theory and Maximum-Likelihood Estimation, J Math Psychol 43(1):1-33.
c1 <- .2;da <- 1.5 UtilAucPROPROC(c1,da)
c1 <- .2;da <- 1.5 UtilAucPROPROC(c1,da)
converts from DBM variance components to OR
variance components
UtilDBM2ORVarCom(K, DBMVarCom)
UtilDBM2ORVarCom(K, DBMVarCom)
K |
Total number of cases |
DBMVarCom |
DBM variance components, a data.frame containing VarR, VarC, VarTR, VarTC, VarRC and VarErr |
returns the equivalent OR Variance components
DBMVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilDBM2ORVarCom(114, DBMVarCom) ORVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilOR2DBMVarCom(114, ORVarCom)
DBMVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilDBM2ORVarCom(114, DBMVarCom) ORVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilOR2DBMVarCom(114, ORVarCom)
Utility for Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz variance components
UtilDBMVarComp(dataset, FOM, FPFValue = 0.2)
UtilDBMVarComp(dataset, FOM, FPFValue = 0.2)
dataset |
The dataset object |
The figure of merit |
FPFValue |
Only needed for |
A list containing the variance components.
result <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")
result <- UtilDBMVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon")
Calculate the specified empirical figure of merit for each modality-reader combination in a standard (1T) or cross-modality (2T) dataset
UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset, FOM = "wAFROC", FPFValue = 0.2)
UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset, FOM = "wAFROC", FPFValue = 0.2)
dataset |
The dataset to be analyzed, |
The figure of merit; the default is |
FPFValue |
Only needed for |
The allowed FOMs depend on the dataType
field of the
For dataset$descriptions$type = "ROC"
only FOM = "Wilcoxon"
is allowed.
For dataset$descriptions$type = "FROC"
the following FOMs are allowed:
(use only if no non-diseased cases are available)
(use only if no non-diseased cases are available)
(the default)
FOM = "HrAuc"
FOM = "HrSe"
(example of an end-point based FOM)
FOM = "HrSp"
FOM = "MaxLLF"
FOM = "MaxNLF"
FOM = "MaxNLFAllCases"
, "MaxNLF"
and "MaxNLFAllCases"
correspond to ordinate, and abscissa, respectively, of the highest point
on the FROC operating characteristic obtained by counting all the marks.
Given the number of FOMs possible with FROC data, it is appropriate
to make a recommendation: it is recommended the wAFROC FOM be used
whenever possible. One should use the wAFROC1 FOM only if the dataset has
no non-diseased cases.
For dataType = "ROI"
dataset only FOM = "ROI"
is allowed.
For dataType = "LROC"
dataset the following FOMs are allowed:
FOM = "Wilcoxon"
for ROC data inferred from LROC data
the probability of correct localization at specified FPFValue
the area under the LROC from zero to specified FPFValue
The FPF at which to evaluate PCL
the default is 0.2; only needed for LROC data.
For cross-modality analysis ROI and LROC datasets are not supported.
For standard IT dataset: A c(I, J)
dataframe, where the row
names are modalityID
's of the treatments and column names are the
's of the readers. For cross-modality dataset: A list
containing two data frames are returned:
* c(I2, J)
data frame, FOMs averaged over the first modality,
where the row names are modality IDS of the second modality
* c(I1, J)
data frames, FOMs averaged over the second modality,
where the row names are modality IDs of the first modality,
* For either 1T or 2T the column names are the readerID
Chakraborty DP (2017) Observer Performance Methods for Diagnostic Imaging - Foundations, Modeling, and Applications with R-Based Examples, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. https://www.routledge.com/Observer-Performance-Methods-for-Diagnostic-Imaging-Foundations-Modeling/Chakraborty/p/book/9781482214840
res <- UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon") # ROC data res <- UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset01) # FROC dataset, default wAFROC FOM res <- UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC")
res <- UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon") # ROC data res <- UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset01) # FROC dataset, default wAFROC FOM res <- UtilFigureOfMerit(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC")
distribution of a dataset or a supplied 1D-arrayThe lesionID
distribution of a dataset or of a
supplied 1D-array. The lesionID
field is described in the format of
the Excel input file, see
(use Command click to view the link).
dsOrArr |
A dataset object from which the lesion distribution is extracted or a 1D-array specifying the lesion distribution. |
Apart from ratings two characteristics of an FROC dataset affect the
FOM: the distribution of lesionID
s per case and the lesion weights.
This function addresses the former. The latter is addressed in
UtilLesWghts. The return value is a dataframe containing 2 equal
length vectors: the lesionID
labels and the corresponding fractions
of lesions per diseased case in the dataset. For ROC or LROC data this
vector is always c(1)
, since all diseased cases contain one lesion.
For FROC data the first element of the dataframe, i.e., lesID
contains the numbers of lesions per diseased case. The second element,
i.e., Freq
, contains the fraction of dis. cases containing one
lesion, the fraction containing two lesions, etc. See
PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics for a function that depends on
A data frame containing the number of lesionID
s per case,
, and the frequency distribution of the lesionID
res <- UtilLesDistr(dataset01) # FROC dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 0.93258427 ## 2 2 0.06741573 ## In the Excel input file, 93 percent of lesions have lesionID = 1 ## and the rest have lesionID = 2 res <- UtilLesDistr(dataset02) # ROC dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 1 ## In the Excel input file all dis. cases have one lesion res <- UtilLesDistr(datasetCadLroc) # LROC dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 1 ## In the Excel input file all dis. cases have one lesion res <- UtilLesDistr(c(0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1)) ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 0.5 ## 2 2 0.3 ## 3 3 0.1 ## 4 4 0.1 ## An example of array input; 50 percent of the cases have lesionID = 1, ## 30 percent have lesionID = 2, etc. res <- UtilLesDistr(dataset11) ## big froc dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 0.217391304 ## 2 2 0.200000000 ## 3 3 0.113043478 ## 4 4 0.086956522 ## 5 5 0.043478261 ## 6 6 0.095652174 ## 7 7 0.052173913 ## 8 8 0.069565217 ## 9 9 0.017391304 ## 10 10 0.026086957 ## 11 11 0.026086957 ## 12 12 0.026086957 ## 16 16 0.017391304 ## 20 20 0.008695652 ## TBA!! This dataset has lots of lesions (3D imaging for lung cancer). ## The lesionIDs range from 1 to 20 with a few missing, ## e.g., lesionID = 13 is not present in any diseased case. ## Cases with lesionID = 1 have frequency 0.217, those with lesionID = 16 ## have frequency 0.174, those with lesionID = 20 have frequency 0.00870, etc.
res <- UtilLesDistr(dataset01) # FROC dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 0.93258427 ## 2 2 0.06741573 ## In the Excel input file, 93 percent of lesions have lesionID = 1 ## and the rest have lesionID = 2 res <- UtilLesDistr(dataset02) # ROC dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 1 ## In the Excel input file all dis. cases have one lesion res <- UtilLesDistr(datasetCadLroc) # LROC dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 1 ## In the Excel input file all dis. cases have one lesion res <- UtilLesDistr(c(0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1)) ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 0.5 ## 2 2 0.3 ## 3 3 0.1 ## 4 4 0.1 ## An example of array input; 50 percent of the cases have lesionID = 1, ## 30 percent have lesionID = 2, etc. res <- UtilLesDistr(dataset11) ## big froc dataset ## lesID Freq ## 1 1 0.217391304 ## 2 2 0.200000000 ## 3 3 0.113043478 ## 4 4 0.086956522 ## 5 5 0.043478261 ## 6 6 0.095652174 ## 7 7 0.052173913 ## 8 8 0.069565217 ## 9 9 0.017391304 ## 10 10 0.026086957 ## 11 11 0.026086957 ## 12 12 0.026086957 ## 16 16 0.017391304 ## 20 20 0.008695652 ## TBA!! This dataset has lots of lesions (3D imaging for lung cancer). ## The lesionIDs range from 1 to 20 with a few missing, ## e.g., lesionID = 13 is not present in any diseased case. ## Cases with lesionID = 1 have frequency 0.217, those with lesionID = 16 ## have frequency 0.174, those with lesionID = 20 have frequency 0.00870, etc.
Determine the lesion weights distribution 2D matrix of a dataset or manually specify the lesion weights distribution.
UtilLesWghtsDS(dsOrArr, relWeights = 0) UtilLesWghtsLD(LDOrArr, relWeights = 0)
UtilLesWghtsDS(dsOrArr, relWeights = 0) UtilLesWghtsLD(LDOrArr, relWeights = 0)
dsOrArr |
A dataset object or a 1D-array, see UtilLesDistr. |
relWeights |
The relative weights of the lesions: a unit sum vector of
length equal to the maximum number of lesions per dis. case. For example,
LDOrArr |
The lesion distribution (LD) dataframe object produced by UtilLesDistr or a 1D-array. |
Two characteristics of an FROC dataset, apart from the
ratings, affect the FOM: the distribution of lesion per case and the
distribution of lesion weights. This function addresses the weights.
The distribution of lesions is addressed in UtilLesDistr.
PlotRsmOperatingCharacteristics for a function that depends on
The underlying assumption is that lesion 1 is the same type across all
diseased cases, lesion 2 is the same type across all diseased cases,
..., etc. This allows assignment of weights independent of the case index.
The lesion distribution (LD) dataframe object produced by UtilLesDistr or a 1D-array.
UtilLesWghtsDS (dataset01) # FROC data ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ##[1,] 1 1.0 -Inf ##[2,] 2 0.5 0.5 UtilLesWghtsDS (dataset02) # ROC data ## [,1] [,2] ##[1,] 1 1 UtilLesWghtsDS(c(0.7,0.2,0.1)) # only frequencies supplied ## relWeights defaults to zero ## Dataset with 1 to 4 lesions per case, with frequency as per first argument UtilLesWghtsLD (c(0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1), c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3)) ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] ##[1,] 1 1.0000000 -Inf -Inf -Inf ##[2,] 2 0.3333333 0.6666667 -Inf -Inf ##[3,] 3 0.2857143 0.5714286 0.1428571 -Inf ##[4,] 4 0.2000000 0.4000000 0.1000000 0.3 ## Explanation ##> c(0.2)/sum(c(0.2)) ##[1] 1 ## (weights for cases with 1 lesion) ##> c(0.2, 0.4)/sum(c(0.2, 0.4)) ##[1] 0.3333333 0.6666667 ## (weights for cases with 2 lesions) ##> c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1)/sum(c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1)) ##[1] 0.2857143 0.5714286 0.1428571 ## (weights for cases with 3 lesions) ##> c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3)/sum(c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3)) ##[1] 0.2000000 0.4000000 0.1000000 0.3 ## (weights for cases with 4 lesions) UtilLesWghtsLD (c(0.1, 0.7, 0.0, 0.2), c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)) ## Weights are included for non-existent `lesionID` = 3 but corresponding frequency will be zero ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] ## [1,] 1 1.00000000 -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [2,] 2 0.57142857 0.42857143 -Inf -Inf ## [3,] 3 0.44444444 0.33333333 0.22222222 -Inf ## [4,] 4 0.40000000 0.30000000 0.20000000 0.1 UtilLesWghtsDS(dataset05, relWeights = c(0.78723404, 0.17021277, 0.04255319)) ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## [1,] 1 1.00000000 -Inf -Inf ## [2,] 2 0.82222222 0.17777778 -Inf ## [3,] 3 0.78723404 0.17021277 0.04255319
UtilLesWghtsDS (dataset01) # FROC data ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ##[1,] 1 1.0 -Inf ##[2,] 2 0.5 0.5 UtilLesWghtsDS (dataset02) # ROC data ## [,1] [,2] ##[1,] 1 1 UtilLesWghtsDS(c(0.7,0.2,0.1)) # only frequencies supplied ## relWeights defaults to zero ## Dataset with 1 to 4 lesions per case, with frequency as per first argument UtilLesWghtsLD (c(0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1), c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3)) ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] ##[1,] 1 1.0000000 -Inf -Inf -Inf ##[2,] 2 0.3333333 0.6666667 -Inf -Inf ##[3,] 3 0.2857143 0.5714286 0.1428571 -Inf ##[4,] 4 0.2000000 0.4000000 0.1000000 0.3 ## Explanation ##> c(0.2)/sum(c(0.2)) ##[1] 1 ## (weights for cases with 1 lesion) ##> c(0.2, 0.4)/sum(c(0.2, 0.4)) ##[1] 0.3333333 0.6666667 ## (weights for cases with 2 lesions) ##> c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1)/sum(c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1)) ##[1] 0.2857143 0.5714286 0.1428571 ## (weights for cases with 3 lesions) ##> c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3)/sum(c(0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3)) ##[1] 0.2000000 0.4000000 0.1000000 0.3 ## (weights for cases with 4 lesions) UtilLesWghtsLD (c(0.1, 0.7, 0.0, 0.2), c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)) ## Weights are included for non-existent `lesionID` = 3 but corresponding frequency will be zero ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] ## [1,] 1 1.00000000 -Inf -Inf -Inf ## [2,] 2 0.57142857 0.42857143 -Inf -Inf ## [3,] 3 0.44444444 0.33333333 0.22222222 -Inf ## [4,] 4 0.40000000 0.30000000 0.20000000 0.1 UtilLesWghtsDS(dataset05, relWeights = c(0.78723404, 0.17021277, 0.04255319)) ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## [1,] 1 1.00000000 -Inf -Inf ## [2,] 2 0.82222222 0.17777778 -Inf ## [3,] 3 0.78723404 0.17021277 0.04255319
Calculates the mean squares used in the DBM and ORH methods for factorial dataset
UtilMeanSquares(dataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon", FPFValue = 0.2, method = "DBM")
UtilMeanSquares(dataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon", FPFValue = 0.2, method = "DBM")
dataset |
The dataset to be analyzed, see |
The figure of merit to be used in the calculation. The default
is |
FPFValue |
Only needed for |
method |
The method, in which the mean squares are calculated. The two
valid choices are |
method, msT, msTR, msTC, msTRC
will not be available
if the dataset contains only one modality (NAs are returned). Similarly,
msR, msTR, msRC, msTRC
NAs are returned for single reader dataset.
method, msT, msR, msTR
will be returned for multiple
reader multiple modality dataset. msT
is not available for single
modality dataset and msR
is not available for single reader dataset.
A list containing the mean squares
result <- UtilMeanSquares(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon") result <- UtilMeanSquares(dataset05, FOM = "wAFROC", method = "OR")
result <- UtilMeanSquares(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon") result <- UtilMeanSquares(dataset05, FOM = "wAFROC", method = "OR")
converts from OR to DBM variance components.
UtilOR2DBMVarCom(K, ORVarCom)
UtilOR2DBMVarCom(K, ORVarCom)
K |
Total number of cases |
ORVarCom |
OR variance components, a data.frame containing VarR, VarTR, Cov1, Cov2, Cov3 and Var |
returns the equivalent DBM variance components
DBMVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilDBM2ORVarCom(114, DBMVarCom) ORVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilOR2DBMVarCom(114, ORVarCom)
DBMVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "DBM")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilDBM2ORVarCom(114, DBMVarCom) ORVarCom <- St(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", method = "OR")$ANOVA$VarCom UtilOR2DBMVarCom(114, ORVarCom)
Obuchowski-Rockette variance components for dataset
UtilORVarComp( dataset, FOM, covEstMethod = "jackknife", FPFValue = 0.2, nBoots = 200, seed = NULL )
UtilORVarComp( dataset, FOM, covEstMethod = "jackknife", FPFValue = 0.2, nBoots = 200, seed = NULL )
dataset |
Factorial one-treatment or cross-modality two-treatment dataset |
Figure of merit |
covEstMethod |
The covariance estimation method, "jackknife" (the default) or "bootstrap" or "DeLong" ("DeLong" is applicable only for FOM = "Wilcoxon"). |
FPFValue |
Only needed for |
nBoots |
The number of bootstraps (default 200).Only needed for covEstMethod = "bootstrap". |
seed |
Only needed for the bootstrap covariance estimation method.
The initial seed for the random number generator, the default is
The variance components are identical to those obtained using
St with method = "OR"
A list containing the following data.frames
: the figures of merit for different modality-reader combinations
: the OR modality-reader ANOVA table
: the OR variance-components Cov1
, Cov2
, Var
and correlations rho1
, rho2
and rho3
: the individual modality mean-squares, Var
and Cov2
: the individual reader mean-squares, Var
and Cov1
## use the default jackknife for covEstMethod vc <- UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon") ##UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "bootstrap", ##nBoots = 2000, seed = 100)$VarCom ##UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "DeLong")$VarCom vc <- UtilORVarComp(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC")
## use the default jackknife for covEstMethod vc <- UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon") ##UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "bootstrap", ##nBoots = 2000, seed = 100)$VarCom ##UtilORVarComp(dataset02, FOM = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "DeLong")$VarCom vc <- UtilORVarComp(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC")
Returns centered jackknife pseudovalues AND jackknife FOM values, for factorial study designs
UtilPseudoValues(dataset, FOM, FPFValue = 0.2)
UtilPseudoValues(dataset, FOM, FPFValue = 0.2)
dataset |
The dataset to be analyzed, see |
The figure of merit to be used. The default is |
FPFValue |
Only needed for |
A list containing two arrays containing the pseudovalues and the jackknife FOM values of the datasets (a third returned value is for internal use).
Each returned array has dimension c(I,J,K)
, where K
depends on the
for FOMs that are based on normal cases only, K2
for FOMs that are
based on abnormal cases only, and K
for FOMs that are based on normal and
abnormal cases.
result <- UtilPseudoValues(dataset05, FOM = "wAFROC")$jkFomValues[1,1,1:10] result <- UtilPseudoValues(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC")
result <- UtilPseudoValues(dataset05, FOM = "wAFROC")$jkFomValues[1,1,1:10] result <- UtilPseudoValues(datasetX, FOM = "wAFROC")